Thursday 14 September 2017

Forex Fabrik Vo Pro

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Pubblicato il 6 Ottobre 2016 alle Le azioni Samsung Tornano ein Salire e segnano Rekord storici nonostante La nuova esplosione di un telefono Correlazione Monete Forex Factory Allgemeine Aktien-Benchmarks nützlich für diesen Beitrag Main Graphical Elements In der Periode nach oben-2014 gibt es eine wichtige sekundäre Bären-Aktion von Bit Coin, mit einer Steigung zu Beginn der EU-QE Im letzten Quartal 2014 als inoffiziellen Start auf Trading Academy Odds Enhancers Il Post ha kommen obiettivo principale quello di completare una vorante nota circa gli effetti dell attuale ecosistema finanziario dei Quantitative Easings promossi da US-FED, EZB, Bo J, ecc, sulla curva Dei prezzi di Dollaro US, e su Euro, Oro, Yen giapponese e Franco svizzero vedi 1 Handelswährungshelfer Dieser Sekundärbär wurde stark beeinflusst durch Ereignisse-Skandal im Zusammenhang mit der Rechtmäßigkeit Solvenz des gleichen Bit-Coin-System, mit einem lokalen Stop von Bären Am offiziellen Start der EU-QE-Bit-Münzen-Side-Evolution in 2015ings sind geschlossen. VO-Pro v3 0 Visual Order Trade Management System für MT4 Operations Referenzhandbuch Copyright 2012, David Louisson alle Rechte vorbehalten.2 Produktübersicht VO-Pro ist effektiv zwei Getrennte Produkte, gerollt in 1 1 Eine umfassende visuelle Auftragseingabe und Wartungseinrichtung für MT4, die es dem Händler ermöglicht, sowohl die technische Analyse TA als auch das Money Management MM in einem visuellen, interaktiven Prozess zu kombinieren. Aufträge können erstellt und anschließend durch bewegte Linien verändert werden Die den Eintrag darstellen, stoppen SL und nehmen TP-Levels auf dem MT4-Diagramm, während die angezeigte Positionsgröße, die Rückgabe und die Risikowerte sich automatisch anpassen. Eine Anzahl von weit verbreiteten Auftragseingabetechniken werden unterstützt, um eine einzelne Position über mehrere zu verteilen Aufträge usw. Voreinstellungen können erstellt und sofort abgerufen werden, um komplexere Auftragskombinationen wie Straddles, Hecken und Gitter schnell zu ermöglichen. Es gibt auch eine Möglichkeit, ausstehende Aufträge zu löschen und Aufträge mit einer Vielzahl anspruchsvoller MM-Techniken zu beenden. 2 Trade Minder TM, ein regelbasiertes Handelsmanagementsystem für MT4, das Ihre Trades babysiert, während der Trader sich von dem Computer entfernt befindet. Der Trader gibt Regeln ein, die aus Bedingungen bestehen, die erfüllt sein müssen, für eine Aktion und Aktionen wie das Löschen von Pending Aufträge ganz oder teilweise schließen offene Aufträge verschieben oder nachlaufende SLs Regeln können einmal oder wiederholt durchgeführt werden Regeln können manuell eingegeben werden oder Blocks von Regeln können schnell durch die Verwendung von Vorlagen eingegeben werden Erfahrene Benutzer können erstellen und teilen ihre eigenen Vorlagen Beide Module sind entworfen, um Ergänzen einander Allerdings können Sie TM verwenden, um alle Aufträge zu verwalten, unabhängig davon, ob sie von VO-Pro umgewandelt wurden oder nicht, Sie können Aufträge mit VO-Pro erstellen und sie dann manuell verwalten oder einen anderen EA-Disclaimer verwenden. Diese Software VO-Pro wird auf einer Basis zur Verfügung gestellt, und durch das Herunterladen und Verwenden, Sie stimmen zu, dies ganz auf eigene Gefahr zu tun, empfehle ich dringend, dass Sie diese Software testen und sich mit ihrem Betrieb und den Eigenheiten vertraut machen, bevor Sie versuchen Um es auf einem Live-MT4-Konto zu übernehmen, übernehme ich keine Verantwortung für Handelsbeschlüsse, die Sie machen könnten. Ich übernehme keine Haftung für irgendwelche Verluste, Material oder sonstige, die Ihnen aus der korrekten oder fehlerhaften Verwendung dieser Software entstehen könnten. Sie erklären sich ferner einverstanden Entschädige mich gegen jegliche Ansprüche oder Verluste, die aus deiner Benutzung dieser Software resultieren könnten.3 Komponenten VO-Pro besteht aus einer externen Anwendung VOConsole VOC Alle Parameter, Einstellungen und Handelsverwaltungsregeln werden vom Händler mit VOConsole s Einstiegsbildschirmen Ein MT4 EA eingegeben VO Monitor VOM eine kontinuierlich laufende EA, die auftragsbezogene Daten an VOConsole übergibt und auch alle handelsrechtlichen Regeln verarbeitet, die über TM VOC eingegeben wurden. Vier MT4-Skripte VO Create New Order ermöglicht die visuelle Erstellung neuer Aufträge VO Modify Orders ermöglicht dem Trader Visuell überprüfen und Bulk-Modify zuvor erstellte Aufträge VO Close Delete Orders ermöglicht MM-basierte Bulk-Schließung von offenen Aufträgen und oder Bulk-Deletion von ausstehenden Aufträgen VO Cleanup ein Notfall-Skript, das einen Reset aller Prozesse, so dass der Trader, um neu zu starten Registrierung VO-Pro ist Shareware Sie können eine Testversion installieren und ausführen, die für 14 Tage gültig bleibt. Wenn Sie mehr Zeit benötigen, um VO-Pro auszuwerten, dann einfach das Installationsprogramm erneut ausführen, siehe nächster Abschnitt Installation, um weitere 14 Tage zu erhalten Tu dies so oft wie du wünschst Die Testversion führt jede Funktion aus, die die volle, bezahlte Version tut, außer dass das Handelsrisiko nur als 200 oder 2 volle Lose oder 20 deines Kontostandes eingegeben werden kann. Maximal 6 Regeln Anstatt der üblichen Grenze von 300 kann in Trade Minder eingegeben werden Bitte nehmen Sie sich die Zeit, VO-Pro gründlich auf alle Computer und Broker MT4-Installationen zu testen, die Sie beabsichtigen, es auszuführen, und sich davon überzeugen, dass es sich so verhält, wie Sie es erwarten würden Es, bevor Sie sich entscheiden, es zu kaufen Nur Sie können der Richter sein, ob es Wert für Ihr Geld bietet Ich möchte alle Käufer mit ihrem Kauf glücklich sein Bitte beachten Sie, dass aufgrund von PayPal Banking Kosten und mögliche Währungsschwankungen Rückerstattungen sind nicht möglich Es gibt drei Slots in der Software für eine einzelne 199 Lizenz Jeder Slot kann mit EITHER eine Computer-ID gefüllt werden, oder eine MT4-Kontonummer Ich empfehle die Verwendung der Computer-ID-Option, da es die Ausführung von VO-Pro auf allen 3 Computern ermöglicht Eine unbegrenzte Anzahl von MT4-Broker-Installationen und eine unbegrenzte Anzahl von Demo - und Live-MT4-Kontonummern Um Ihre Computer-ID zu finden, sehen Sie bitte die Screenshots unten hoffentlich sind diese selbsterklärend. Sie können Registrierungen über die Zeit hinzufügen, wie Sie es benötigen , Indem du die 3 Slots allmählich ausfüllst, lass mich einfach die neue Computer ID s oder MT4 Kontonummer s kennen, die du registrieren möchtest.5 Installation HINWEIS bei Windows 7 oder Vista, VO-Pro und anderen MT4 EAs und Indikatoren Nicht ordnungsgemäß ausgeführt, wenn MT4 irgendwo im Ordner "Programme" installiert ist Es wird empfohlen, dass Sie MT4 anderswo, zB C MT4, deinstallieren und neu installieren, bevor Sie VO-Pro installieren. Weitere Informationen finden Sie hier. VO-Pro funktioniert NICHT korrekt, wenn MT4 wird in einem Ordner unter Programmdateien auf einem Vista oder Windows 7 Computer installiert Zur Installation von VO-Pro 1 Exit MT4 2 Führen Sie das Programm aus und folgen Sie den Anweisungen auf dem Bildschirm. Wenn Sie nach dem Zielordner gefragt sind, geben Sie den Ordner ein, in dem MT4 wohnt also nicht die Experten oder andere Unterordner automatisch die Komponenten in die richtigen Unterordner Wenn die Installation abgeschlossen ist, wird die VOConsole-Anwendung automatisch ausgeführt Der Installationsprozess erstellt auch Icons auf Ihrem Desktop, um VOConsole das braune V-Symbol auszuführen, Und eine Verknüpfung zu Lehrvideos auf YouTube Es stellt auch automatisch VO-Pro s Scripts und EA als Favoriten auf MT4 s Navigator ein, und falls du es vorziehe, die Tastatur der Maus zuzuweisen, weist du Hotkeys wie folgt zu. Skript VO Create New Order VO Modify Orders VO Schließen Löschen von Aufträgen VO Cleanup Hotkey Ctrl-7 Ctrl-8 Ctrl-9 Ctrl-0 Null 3 MT4 neu starten Sie müssen Ctrl-O drücken und MT4 s Expert Advisor-Optionen einstellen, wie im folgenden Screenshot gezeigt.6 Sie werden auch sein Auswahl und Verschiebung von Zeilen häufig, daher musst du entscheiden, ob du die Zeilenobjekte durch Einzelklick auswählen willst oder doppelklick von MT4 s Navigator drücke Strg-N, um den Navigator zu erhalten, den VO Monitor EA an einen beliebigen ONE-Chart anzubringen Weitere Informationen finden Sie hier, wie der neue VO-Monitor EA in diesem Handbuch weiter unten arbeitet. HINWEIS Wenn Sie VO-Pro auf mehreren Broker-MT4-Installationen ausführen möchten, müssen Sie einmal für jede andere Installation laufen. 7 Wie der neue VO-Monitor EA arbeitet Sie müssen den neuen VO Monitor EA Expert Advisor nur an ein Diagramm anhängen und es laufen lassen. Es führt die folgenden 1 durch. Es überträgt Auftragsdaten von MT4 zu VOConsole s Scrolling Auftragsfenster, genau wie es vorher war, in 2 Es stellt auch Auftrag zur Verfügung Daten für Trade Minder s Auftragsauswahlfenster 3 Es verarbeitet alle Regeln, die Sie in Trade Minder eingeben, für alle Währungspaare, unabhängig von der Tabelle, die es an Apart von VO Monitor angeschlossen hat, gibt es keine anderen EAs, die VO-Pro Muss ausgeführt werden Die Skripte VO Erstellen von Aufträgen, VO Ändern von Aufträgen und VO Schließen Löschen von Aufträgen funktionieren genau wie vorher VO Monitor kann nun in einem von zwei verschiedenen Modi ausgeführt werden Tick-Modus oder kontinuierlichen Modus 1 Tick-Modus wird aktiviert, indem Sie die RefreshIntervalseconds Parameter auf 0 0 Null Dies bedeutet, dass alle oben genannten Funktionen einmal durchgeführt werden, jedes Mal, wenn ein Preis-Tick auf dem Diagramm auftritt, an das der VO-Monitor EA angeschlossen ist. Wenn Ihre Handelsregeln 8 andere Währungspaare beinhalten, bedeutet dies, dass PL-Ziele Kann man vermissen, wenn sie kurzfristig ausgelöst werden, ohne dass ein Preis-Tick auftritt, zB wenn VO-Monitor an einem EURUSD-Chart angeschlossen ist, dann könnte ein PL-Ziel auf GBPUSD verpasst werden, wenn kein Tick auf EURUSD aufgetreten ist, während GBPUSD das Ziel erreicht hat Am besten zu befestigen VO-Monitor zu einem Diagramm des Paares, die Sie am häufigsten handeln oder fehlschlagen, das Paar mit der größten Liquidität am häufigsten Zecken Tick-Modus bedeutet auch, dass für besser oder schlechter VO-Monitor kann wieder aufgehoben werden durch Umschalten MT4 s Expert Advisors Registerkarte, und dass Sie die EA s Parametereinstellungen auf normale Weise ändern können, indem Sie einfach F7 drücken, zu jeder Zeit Wenn der VO Monitor läuft, erscheint eine kleine grafische VOM, gefolgt von einem ansteigenden Zähler, in einer Ecke des Hauptes Preis-Diagramm, in orange Schriftart Jedes Mal, wenn dieser Zähler um eins ansteigt, wurden die oben aufgeführten 3 Funktionen ausgeführt. Der Tick-Modus wird durch die kleine Grafik mit einem Sternchen 2 bezeichnet. Der Kontinuierliche Modus wird aktiviert, indem der Parameter RefreshIntervalseconds in der Wartezeit in Sekunden gesetzt wird , Zwischen jeder Gelegenheit, dass die oben genannten Funktionen durchgeführt werden zB wenn Sie seinen Wert auf 0 5 setzen, dann werden alle Funktionen einmal alle 0 5 Sekunden durchgeführt Der Vorteil der Einstellung dieser Zahl auf einen niedrigen Wert bedeutet, dass jedes PL-Ziel, das momentan ist Ausgelöst, ist weniger wahrscheinlich zu verpassen. Allerdings kann dies dazu führen, dass erhebliche CPU Overhead laufen Windows Task-Manager, und sehen, was CPU mit Continuous-Modus bedeutet auch, dass MT4 s Expert Advisors Registerkarte kann nicht verwendet werden, um VO Monitor s Ausführung zu sperren Stattdessen Sie Müssen Sie auf die VOM-Grafik klicken, um sie auszuwählen, und ziehen Sie sie dann an eine andere Stelle auf dem Bildschirm, dass der Zähler aufhört zu erhöhen, was darauf hinweist, dass der VO-Monitor gesperrt wurde. Drücken Sie F7 und ändern Sie die Parameter, falls gewünscht, und klicken Sie dann auf OK für VO Monitor, um seine Ausführung fortzusetzen Continuous-Modus beendet, wenn Sie MT4 beenden Wenn Sie MT4 neu starten, müssen Sie den VO Monitor erneut starten, indem Sie F7 drücken und die gewünschten Parameter erneut eingeben. Bei einigen Broker-MT4-Plattformen kann der kontinuierliche Modus sich aussetzen, wenn der MT4-Datenzufuhr unterbricht Im Zweifelsfall kann es sicherer sein, den Tick-Modus zu verwenden. Die Ecke des Hauptpreis-Diagramms, in dem die VOM-Grafik angezeigt wird, kann über den CornerForCounter-Parameter geändert werden. Zum Beispiel TR oben rechts, BL unten links, Etc Groß - oder Kleinschreibung kann eingegeben werden Der ShowComments-Parameter sollte bei FALSE gelassen werden, es sei denn, du bist Debugging.9 Unterstützung Anwendung VOC VOC läuft neben MT4 und erleichtert alle Dateneingabeparameter, Einstellungen und Trade Minder Regeln Der folgende Screenshot zeigt eine mögliche Einrichtung mit VOC und MT4, die nebeneinander laufen Durch das MT4 s Navigator Panel auf der linken Seite bedeutet dies, dass alle wichtigen Bedienelemente oben links auf dem Bildschirm liegen. Es ist dann möglich, schnell zwischen den beiden Anwendungen zu klicken. Viele von VOC S Felder und Tasten haben Hotkeys mit ihnen verbunden Sie können sehen, was diese sind, indem Sie die Maus über dem Feld schweben, und eine Hilfe Tooltip wird Pop-up, zeigt mehr Info, einschließlich der Hotkey Colored Buttons Die blau-Pfeil-Schaltflächen in der oberen linken links VOC ermöglicht es Ihnen, das VOC-Fenster zu erweitern oder zu verkleinern, auf 4 verschiedene voreingestellte Größen. Sie können auch das Fenster durch Ziehen der Kanten vergrößern.10 Sie können auch die Hotkeys F10, F11 und F12 verwenden, anstatt auf die linken 3 Schaltflächen zu klicken Fenstergröße für diese Schaltflächen, indem Sie zuerst die gewünschte Größe festlegen und dann auf Alt-F10, Alt-F11 oder Alt-F12 klicken, um die Fenstergröße zu verriegeln, die gültig bleibt, bis sie wieder geändert wird oder bis Sie beenden VOC Sie können auch die undokumentierten Hotkeys Shift-F9, Shift-F10, Shift-F11 und Shift-F12 verwenden, um die Fenstergröße auf 4 Preset-Größen einzustellen. Wenn das Fenster auf seine volle Breite erweitert wird, ist folgendes sichtbar Titelleiste VO-Pro Versionsnummer, so dass Sie überprüfen können, ob Sie die aktuellste verfügbare Version ausführen. Pfad der MT4-Installation, in der VO-Pro installiert ist, um festzustellen, welches VOC dies ist, wenn Sie mehrere Instanzen von MT4 VOC Registrierungsinformationen ausführen , Dh welche MT4-Kontonummern oder Computer-IDs, die Sie registriert haben, und das Verfalldatum, wenn Sie die unregistrierte 14-Tage-Testversion ausführen Die Schaltfläche erweitert das Fenster, um alle Einstellungen anzuzeigen, die mit VOC geändert werden können. Andere blaue Pfeiltasten erweitern sich Oder schrumpfen Sie das Fenster in Pfeilrichtung rechts unten auf diesem Bildschirm wird Ihre Computer-ID angezeigt und die Schaltfläche Werkseinstellungen wiederherstellen, die alle Einstellungen auf ihre ursprünglichen installierten Werte zurückstellt. Die Schaltfläche erweitert das Fenster um die Anzeige anzuzeigen Rolling Orders List-Fenster Wenn der VO Monitor EA läuft, werden alle offenen und ausstehenden Aufträge angezeigt, die auch im MT4-Terminal angezeigt werden. Damit können Sie auswählen, welche Aufträge Sie ändern möchten, schließen oder löschen Kreisförmiger orangefarbener Pfeil ist die RESET-Taste Hiermit werden viele Schlüsselfelder gelöscht und Werte zurückgesetzt, als ob kein Preset aktiv wäre, so dass der Eintrag sl tp Zeilen um die halbe Höhe des Preisplans umschalten. Das grüne Tickmark ist die EXECUTE-Taste Dies wird versucht, auszuführen Die aktuelle Operation durch Senden einer Anfrage an den Broker, z. B. Erstellen einer neuen Bestellung oder Ändern vorhandener Aufträge Das entsprechende Skript "Erstellen oder Ändern" meldet dann alle vom Broker zurückgegebenen Fehler und endet dann. Das rote X ist die CANCEL-Taste. Dadurch wird der aktuelle Vorgang abgebrochen Z. B. einen neuen Auftrag anlegen oder bestehende Aufträge ändern Das entsprechende Skript "Erstellen oder Ändern" beendet dann die TM-Schaltfläche, die Handels-Minder auf den zweiten Abschnitt dieses Handbuchs schickt.11 Wenn Ihre Version nicht registriert ist und Sie die 14-Tage-Testversion überschritten haben, erhalten Sie eine Pop-up-Fenster mit der folgenden Meldung Die angezeigte Nummer ist die Computer-ID, die Sie zitieren müssen, wenn Sie VO-Pro kaufen möchten und registrieren Sie Ihre Kopie per Computer ID Abschnitte des VOConsole-Fensters Übersicht 1 Presets Die 9 nummerierten Tasten erlauben es Schneller Rückruf von bis zu 9 verschiedenen Preset-Selektionen Weitere Presets können aus der Dropdown-Box direkt unterhalb der Schaltflächen abgerufen werden. Eine Voreinstellung ist eine Datei mit allen im VOC-Fenster angezeigten Einstellungen. Die Beladung eines zuvor gespeicherten Presets ruft sofort alle gespeicherten Einstellungen auf Die untere linke Seite des VOC-Fensters sind die Preset-Tasten In diesem Bereich können Sie VOC-Einstellungen als benanntes Preset speichern, eine benannte Voreinstellung löschen und bis zu 9 Ihrer benannten Presets den nummerierten Schaltflächen zuordnen.12 Um Ihnen zu helfen, zu bekommen Begann leicht, VO-Pro kommt mit 6 Presets Markt kaufen Lasten Einstellungen geeignet für die Platzierung eines Marktes Kauf Bestellung gilt für die VO Create New Order Script Betrieb Markt verkaufen Lasten Einstellungen geeignet für die Platzierung eines Marktes Verkauf Bestellung gilt für die VO Create New Order Script Betrieb Ausstehende Kauf Lasten Einstellungen geeignet für die Platzierung einer ausstehenden Kauf Bestellung kaufen Stop oder kaufen Limit anstehen Verkauf Lasten Einstellungen geeignet für die Platzierung eines Marktes verkaufen bestellen verkaufen Stop oder verkaufen Limit gleichen Ebenen Lasten Einstellungen, die dazu führen, dass der Eintrag sl tp Linien auf dem gleichen Niveau zu starten Wie bei der vorherigen bestellung set SL to BE lädt Einstellungen, die für das Bewegen von SLs zum Breakeven Einstiegspunkt geeignet sind, gilt für die VO Modify Orders Scriptoperation Diese Presets wurden den nummerierten Tasten 1 bis 6 zugeordnet.13 2 Grundlegende Handelsbetriebseinstellungen Diese Beinhalten Handelsrisiko das Risiko, das bei der Erstellung eines neuen Handels ergriffen wird. Es kann entweder als eine Anzahl von Losen ein Dollarbetrag oder jede Währung ausgedrückt werden, die Ihr Konto auf oder in Prozent des Kontoinvestments lautet. Kontrollkästchen für Anpassung für Spread, RR-Daten anzeigen, Verlängern Sie die Zeilen und die automatische Ausführung wird später ausführlich erklärt 3 Neuen Auftrag anlegen Diese Einstellungen gelten nur für den VO Create New Order Scriptbetrieb. Sie legen die Startstufe der Eintragszeilen fest, wenn das Feld nicht markiert ist, dann ein Element, zB TP, Nicht anwenden 4 Ändern von Aufträgen Diese Einstellungen gelten nur für den VO Modify Orders Scriptbetrieb. Sie legen die Startstufe der neuen SL - und TP-Linien fest, aber nur, wenn die ursprüngliche Bestellung keine SL - und TP.14 5 RR-Display-Formatierung enthält Einstellungen steuern das Format und das Aussehen des Textes, der Preis, Positionsgröße, Rendite, Risiko usw. anzeigt, die über den Einstiegsplätzen liegt. 6 Linienfarben, Breiten, Stile Diese Einstellungen steuern das Format und das Aussehen der Eintragszeilen selbst Diese Zeilen erscheinen immer dann, wenn Sie entweder das VO Create New Order oder das VO Modify Orders Skript auf ein MT4-Diagramm setzen. 7 Verschiedene Einstellungen Diese Einstellungen steuern eine Reihe von verschiedenen Funktionen, die später detailliert erklärt werden 8 MT4 Trade-Einstellungen Diese Einstellungen werden direkt in den MT4-Auftrag übertragen Selbst NB Während entweder das VO Create New Order oder VO Modify Orders Skript betriebsbereit ist, dh das angehängte Skript zeigt die Eintrags-Slip-Zeilen auf einem Diagramm an, können einige der Eingabefelder von VOConsole nicht geändert werden und sind daher grau dargestellt Die Verfügbarkeit dieser Felder, müssen Sie das Skript beenden, indem Sie entweder die EXECUTE oder die CANCEL X Taste Wizards Wizards sind die kleinen Tasten, die auf der linken Seite von vielen der VOConsole s Eingabefelder erscheinen Klicken Sie auf die Schaltfläche des Assistenten bringt ein Menü von Optionen für Sie wählen aus Nach Auswahl der gewünschten Option fügt der Assistent den korrekten Text wieder in das Eingabefeld ein.15 Grundlegende VO-Pro-Operationen Eine schnelle Komplettierung Um eine anstehende Stopp - oder Limit-Order zu platzieren 1 Wählen Sie ausstehender Kauf oder ausstehender Verkauf aus dem Dropdown 2 Setzen Sie Ihr Handelsrisiko Klicken Sie auf die Schaltfläche des Assistenten, um es entweder als eine Anzahl von Lose, b-Wert oder c als eines Ihrer Kontostand einzustellen oder klicken Sie auf das Dropdown-Menü, um einen zuvor verwendeten Wert aufzurufen. 3 Ziehen Sie das Skript VO Create New Order auf Das Diagramm, fällt es ungefähr auf das Preisniveau, wo Sie den Handel eingegeben werden möchten 4 Wählen und ziehen Sie mit dem MIDDLE der drei Griffe den Eintrag weiß, TP grün und SL rote Linien irgendwo auf dem Bildschirm, auf Ihre gewünschten Ebenen Dies kann Ändern Sie die Auftragsart, falls zutreffend Sie können auch Ihr Risiko erneut anpassen, siehe Schritt 2, jederzeit b Klicken Sie mit der rechten Maustaste und löschen Sie entweder den SL oder TP, wenn Sie einen SL oder TP nicht verwenden, ziehen Sie den RIGHT-Griff Um die Position des Textes nach oben nach unten zu bringen, relativ zu den Zeilen d, um das Kontrollkästchen RR-Text anzeigen auszuschalten, um den RR-Text auszublenden, um das Zeilenfeld auszuschalten, um die Zeilen rechts neben dem Diagramm zu verlängern Halten Sie die SHIFT-Taste gedrückt, ziehen Sie die rechte oder linke Griffe, um zu verlängern, um die Linie zu verkürzen, die auch den Text nach rechts bewegt. 5 Klicken Sie auf die Schaltfläche, um VO-Pro den Handel auszuführen, oder klicken Sie auf die Schaltfläche X, um den gesamten Vorgang abzubrechen Marktauftrag 1 Markieren Sie Marktkauf oder Marktverkauf aus dem Dropdown 2 Setzen Sie Ihr Handelsrisiko genau so, wie es für eine ausstehende Bestellung erklärt wurde. 3 Ziehen Sie VO Erstellen Sie einen neuen Auftrag überall auf die Hauptpreiskarte 4 Folgen Sie Schritt 4 genau wie für eine ausstehende Bestellung erklärt Ausnahme ist, dass es keine weiße Einstiegslinie gibt, denn der Eintrag wird zum Marktpreis 5 folgen Schritt 5 genau wie für einen ausstehenden Auftrag erklärt Um einen oder mehrere Aufträge zu ändern 1 Klicken Sie auf die grüne Rechtspfeil-Taste, um VOConsole s Orders List anzuzeigen Fenster 2 Wählen Sie die Aufträge aus, die Sie ändern möchten, indem Sie darauf klicken oder die Befehlsauswahl-Tasten ALL, NONE, Invert, usw. verwenden. Klicken Sie dann auf die blaue linke Pfeiltaste, um das Fenster "Orders List" zu verbergen, damit Sie Ihr MT4-Diagramm sehen können 3 Ziehen Sie das VO Modify Orders-Skript überall auf das Hauptpreis-Diagramm 4 Wählen und ziehen Sie mit dem MIDDLE der drei Griffe den Eintrag white, TP green und SL rote Linien irgendwo auf dem Bildschirm auf die gewünschten Ebenen Dies kann die Auftragsart ändern, Wenn nötig können Sie auch einen Rechtsklick und löschen Sie entweder die SL oder TP, wenn Sie don t verwenden eine SL oder TP beachten Sie müssen alle gepunkteten Linien löschen, da diese davon ausgehen, dass Sie ein SL TP b klicken möchten, klicken Sie mit der rechten Maustaste und Löschen Sie die Eintragszeile, um eine ausstehende Bestellung zu löschen. Punkte c thru f ​​Arbeit genau die gleiche wie für eine ausstehende Bestellung siehe oben g Toggle Show RR Summen auf aus, um die Gesamtrisikos zurück Größe usw. über alle angezeigten Aufträge zu sehen 5 Klicken Sie auf die Schaltfläche VO-Pro alle Änderungen ausführen ODER auf die Schaltfläche X klicken, um alle Änderungen abzubrechen. Um eine oder mehrere Aufträge zu schließen und zu löschen, folgen Sie den Schritten 1 und 2, wie in den oben beschriebenen Abschnitten beschrieben, um die gewünschten Aufträge auszuwählen In Gewinn oder Rot in Verlust sind geschlossen, bis Aufträge in schwarzer Schriftart angezeigt werden gelöscht werden Wenn Sie teilweise Bestellungen schließen möchten, klicken Sie auf die Schaltfläche Assistent links vom Feld "Regeln schließen" und wählen Sie die gewünschte Option aus 3 Ziehen Sie die VO Schließen und Löschen Orders script irgendwo auf die Hauptpreiskarte 4 Überprüfen Sie, ob Sie mit allen Operationen zufrieden sind, die durchgeführt werden, wie im Pop-up-Fenster angezeigt wird 5 Klicken Sie im Popup-Fenster auf die Schaltfläche OK, um VO-Pro auszuführen Alle Operationen ODER Klicken Sie auf die Schaltfläche Abbrechen, um alle Operationen abzubrechen. HINWEISE Nach dem Klicken auf EXECUTE versuchen Sie nicht, den Bestellvorgang zu beeinträchtigen. Es ist zu spät, um etwas zu ändern. Bitte warten Sie geduldig auf Ihren Br0ker, um Ihre Anfrage zu bearbeiten. Vorausgesetzt, dass der Br0ker Ihre Anfrage verarbeitet hat , Du bist fertig Die von VO-Pro erstellten Zeilen und Texte sollten aus deinem Diagramm verschwinden, und deine Anfrage sollte durch die im MT4-Terminalbereich angezeigten Aufträge und auch im VO-Konsolen-Orders List-Fenster reflektiert werden Aufträge Prozesse sind visuell, daher gelten sie nur für das aktuelle Diagrammpaar-Symbol Nur wenn der Nah-Lösch-Bestellvorgang für ausgewählte Aufträge aller Paare gilt Wenn Sie eine Fehlermeldung erhalten Wenn Ihr Br0ker Ihre Anfrage nicht verarbeitet, Up.17 Meldungsfenster mit einer Fehlermeldung, vorgeschlagene Aktion und Diagnoseinformationen wird angezeigt Wenn du mich beheben willst, dann würde ich bitten, dass du einen Screenshot machst, drücke den Druckbildschirm auf deiner Tastatur und füge das Ergebnis ein Eine App wie Microsoft Word Dann klicken Sie auf die Schaltfläche OK im Popup-Fenster, um die Fehlermeldung zu löschen Sie können nun die Operation erneut versuchen, beginnend bei Schritt 1 Wenn alles andere fehlschlägt, führen Sie das Cleanup-Skript aus, wenn Sie den oben beschriebenen Vorgang abgeschlossen haben , Der Zeilentext, der von VO-Pro erstellt wurde, bleibt noch auf deinem Diagramm, dann kannst du das VO Cleanup-Skript ausführen. Nach einer kurzen Wartezeit bekommst du ein Pop-up-Meldungsfenster wie das im Screenshot unten angezeigte Antwort von JA auf diese Nachricht und Eine Pop-up-Meldung Cleanup erfolgreich erscheint OK Klicken Sie auf OK Das hat alles zurückgesetzt, was Sie gut machen können. Das war ein kurzer Überblick, wie man die Grundfunktionen läuft. Für eine ausführlichere Beschreibung, inklusive Screenshots, lesen Sie bitte weiter Eine neue Bestellung mit VO-Pro VO-Pro ermöglicht es Ihnen, anstehende Limit - oder Stop - und Marktaufträge zu erstellen, für das Paar, dessen Diagramm aktuell angezeigt wird. Wenn Sie das Skript VO Create New Order ausführen, erscheinen drei Zeilen auf der roten Zeile des MT4-Diagramms SL-Stop-Blitz-Level-Weiß-Einstiegsebene grüne Linie TP nimmt Gewinnniveau Hinweis Eine ausstehende Bestellung verwendet die weiße Linie als Einstiegsebene Eine Marktordnung hat keine weiße Linie, weil sie zum aktuellen Marktpreis eintritt HINWEISE I RR Rückgabe und Risikodaten Beispiel --- Einstiegslinie zeigt die BUY LIMIT Auftragseingabe Preisniveau 0 43 Lose die Anzahl der Lose aka Handelsvolumen oder Position Größe 4 30 pro Pip a die Menge, die gewonnen oder verloren, pro Pip, als Preis bewegt TL 5 1 1 Die True Leverage optional --- SL Linie zeigt die SL Preisniveau 22 8p b die Anzahl der Pips zwischen Eintrag und SL 98 04 das Geld Betrag Risiko verloren, wenn der Preis erreicht die SL axb 1 12 dieser Verlust ausgedrückt als Prozentsatz Ihres Kontos Balance --- TP-Linie zeigt das TP-Preisniveau 23 9p c die Anzahl der Pips zwischen dem Eintritt und TP die Geldmenge zurückgewonnen, wenn der Preis den TP axc erreicht 1 18 dieser Gewinn ausgedrückt als Prozentsatz Ihres Kontostandes 1 05 R der Verhältnis der Rückkehr zum Risiko cb Das Aussehen Existenz, Anzahl der Dezimalstellen, Rundung, etc. und Display-Format Schriftart, Größe, Farbe, etc. von jedem dieser RR-Werte können angepasst werden, um Ihre Präferenz zu entsprechen Dies wird später in diesem Dokument erklärt .19 Wenn das Kontrollkästchen Anpassen für Spread aktiviert ist, werden die RR-Werte zusammen mit der Ausbreitung schwanken. Die RR-Berechnungen werden die Ausbreitung in die Risiko - und Rückgabewerte fokussieren. VO-Pro s-Linien repräsentieren effektiv den Geldkurs und entsprechen somit mit der Kerze Höhenunterschiede, Indikatorstufen und / oder Linienstudien auf Ihrem Diagramm ii ​​Fehler beim Bewegen der Zeilen VO-Pro kann einen der folgenden ERROR anzeigen - Eintrag muss zwischen SL TP die Zeilen so verschieben, dass der Einstiegspunkt für eine Marktreihenfolge ist Der aktuelle Preis liegt zwischen dem TP und dem SL FEHLER - Auftragsgröße ist kleiner als das Minimum erlaubt entweder die SL näher an den Eintrag zu bewegen oder das Handelsrisiko zu erzwingen ERROR - muss SL haben, wenn das Handelsrisiko oder die Handelsrisikooptionen relativ berechnet werden Auf den SL-Punkt Du musst also entweder den Auftrag abbrechen und ihn mit einem SL wieder eingeben oder dein Trade Risk auf ein festes Volumen von Lots ändern iii Fehler nach dem Klicken auf EXECUTE, wenn ein Bildschirm wie der folgende unten erscheint, hat der Broker Hat Ihre Bestellung aus dem angegebenen Grund abgelehnt Die Nachricht enthält die vorgeschlagene Aktion für Sie, technische Informationen von den Entwicklern von MT4 und die Diagnoseinformationen Wenn Sie uns kontaktieren müssen, geben Sie bitte entweder einen Screenshot dieses Bildschirms an oder senden Sie uns sogar eine Kopie Der Datei Fehler in Ihrem mt4 Experten Dateien Ordner Klicken Sie auf die Schaltfläche OK, um den Fehler zu löschen Dies wird Sie zurück zu Schritt 3 in der Reihenfolge Eintragungsprozess sehen oben Sie können entweder versuchen, die Bestellung erneut zu senden, möglicherweise nach einer geeigneten Wartezeit oder Abbruch des Prozesses. 20 Erstellen Sie eine ausstehende Limit - oder Stopp-Order MT4 erlaubt 4 Arten von ausstehenden Order-Buy-Limit, Verkauf Limit, Kauf Stop und Verkauf Stop Allerdings müssen Sie das nicht wissen, denn VO-Pro automatisch und transparent erkennt die Auftragsart von den Standorten Von Ihrem Eintrag, SL Stoploss und TP nehmen Profit, relativ zum aktuellen Preis Wählen Sie die Preis Chart Paar Zeitrahmen, auf dem Sie Ihre Bestellung platzieren möchten Dann führen Sie die VO Create New Order Skript, indem Sie es auf das Diagramm, oder drücken Sie Ihre zuvor gekennzeichneten Hotkey Mine ist Ctrl-7 Die drei Zeilen erscheinen, wie im vorherigen Abschnitt erklärt Der Text, der die Risiko - und Belohnungsberechnung zeigt RR wird über jeder Zeile angezeigt Klicken Sie oder doppelklicken Sie auf die Zeilen, um sie auszuwählen Wenn Sie eine Zeile auswählen, drei kleine Quadrate Griffe erscheinen am linken Ende, Mitte und am rechten Ende der Zeile siehe Pfeile im Screenshot unten Dann ziehen Sie jede Zeile auf den gewünschten Eintrag, SL und TP Ebenen, beziehungsweise Wenn Sie die Zeilen ziehen, die Auftragsart und angezeigt RR values, will change accordingly Be sure to drag the CENTER handle only, otherwise the line will become a diagonal trendline, and you ll need to click the CANCEL X button and start over Alternatively, hold the SHIFT key down while dragging the lines This will prevent the diagonal line problem, and will also allow you to lengthen or shorten the lines accordingly.21 You can also check the Extend lines as rays box ON, to have the lines extend themselves indefinitely to the right of the chart Toggle on off as desired You can also have the RR calculation values disappear temporarily useful if they are obscuring important candles , by checking the Show RR data above lines box OFF Toggle on off as desired To adjust the amount at risk, enter the desired value into the Trade Risk field This can be any one of a dollar amount, by including a currency symbol anywhere in your entry or a percent of your account balance, by including a percent symbol anywhere in your entry or a number of lots, by simply typing a number or whatever currency your trading account is denominated in Whenever I use the term dollar , I am referring to this currency Alternatively, you can select a previously entered amount by selecting it from the dropdown at the right of the field Or you can click the wizard question mark button at the left of the field , type a number value in any one of the three options, and click the button to its immediate left VOC will paste the correct value back into the field When you click back on your MT4 chart, the RR values above the lines will change accordingly Continue dragging the lines, and or adjusting the Trade Risk, as often as you wish Then click either EXECUTE, to have VO-Pro MT4 place the order VO-Pro plays the familiar pop sound to confirm this, and the new order will be added to the terminal area Please be patient WARNING Do NOT attempt to interfere with the operation after the order has been placed OR CANCEL X, to abort the whole process VO-Pro plays a squeak sound, and the lines rr calc will disappear from your MT4 chart In the example below, risk of 1,000 has been input VO-Pro will create the largest possible number of lots allowed by the broker, that does not cause the risk to exceed 1,000 In the screenshot below, VO-Pro has calculated that 3 16 lots is the maximum that can be purchased, making a trade size for EURJPY of 38 72 per pip The SL is 25 8 pips away from entry x 38 72 just less than the 1,000 that we specified , which is 1 00 of the current account balance of 100,000 The TP is 22 4 pips away from entry x 38 72 return, which is 0 87 of the account balance, and the ratio of the return to risk R-value is 0 87.22 If you don t want MT4 to automatically take profit , you can delete the TP line by right clicking on it and then selecting Delete Pressing the DELETE key will delete all lines that have been selected NOTE VO-Pro will automatically and transparently make the specified number of attempts to place the order, with a wait time between each attempt This process will continue until the order has been successfully placed However, if after this process has completed, the broker declines the order, an error screen similar to the following will appear.23 Obviously the above order failed because the entry level wasn t located between the SL and TP, causing Error 130 Invalid stops Click OK, and then assuming you still want to place the order rerun the VO Create New Order script If the order gets placed successfully, the lines created by VO-Pro will disappear , and you ll see MT4 s familiar dashed dotted lines appear at the relevant levels see screenshot below the details of every successful trading operation are also written to the log file mt4 experts files order as a permanent record Adjusting for spread The default setting allows an adjustment for the spread see screenshot below This means that you simply place the lines according to the BID price this is the price used to create the candle OHLCs , and the actual entry tp sl points will be adjusted, along with the risk return calculations, accordingly If you want to turn this feature off, return to VOC and uncheck it This will now cause the lines to be plotted at the exact BID or ASK prices where the order will be triggered the same prices that appear in MT4 s Terminal But it also means that you ll need to factor in the spread costs manually yourself Summary placing a pending order 1 Run the VO Create New Order script, either by dragging it onto your MT4 chart, or by pressing your previously designated hotkey mine was Ctrl-7 2 Select and drag the lines around your chart using the CENTER handle to your desired entry, SL and or TP levels Delete any unwanted lines.24 3 Adjust the TradeRisk in VOC Repeat steps 2 and 3 as often as you wish 4 Click VOC s button to execute the order I suggest that you repeat the above exercise several times, until the whole process becomes second nature NOTE to review and or modify any order s that you ve created, run the VO Modify Orders script Create a market immediate order A market order buy or sell is processed in exactly the same way as a pending order The only difference is that the entry white line must be absent when the order is executed, because the entry price is the current market price This can be accomplished in any of 3 ways a Delete the white entry line before you click to execute the order or b In VOC, uncheck the Entry box see screenshot below NOTE You can also uncheck the SL and or TP boxes if you don t use a SL or a TP this applies to both pending and market orders However, if you don t use a SL, then obviously your Trade Risk must be entered as a fixed number of lots enter a number without any or symbol or c Click the wizard at the left of the Entry field and select Market This merely unchecks the Entry box, exactly as in 2 NOTE As with pending orders, the order type is determined by the location of the entry relative to the SL and TP If you choose not to use a SL and TP, then you can force VO-Pro to take a buy or sell position by including a B or an S upper or lowercase in the Trade Risk field, ega sell order of 0 5 lots could be entered as 0 5s or S0 5 Let s place a market order 1 Uncheck the Entry box 2 Drag the VO Create New Order script onto the chart 3 Move the SL and TP lines to your desired levels, and or 4 Adjust the Trade Risk however you wish Repeat steps 3 and 4 as often as you wish 5 Click to place the order NOTE Some brokers do not allow the SL and TP to be placed with a market order Instead, you need to create an order with zero SL and TP, and then modify the order to add the SL and or TP To find out if your broker is one of these , simply press F9 and see if the SL and TP fields are grayed out.25 That being so, you can check VO-Pro s Add SL TP as a separate order setting ON see screenshot below First, click the SETTINGS button to display VOC s full screen This will cause VO-Pro to create an order with a zero SL TP, and then transparently and automatically modify the order with your desired SL and or TP, all in the one process, when you click to place the trade If your broker allows SL TP to be entered on a market order, then it s more efficient to have the Add SL TP as a separate order setting checked OFF NOTE to review and or modify any order s that you ve created, run the VO Modify Orders script. 26 Include other MT4 settings with your order VO-Pro can create orders with comments, magic numbers, expiry dates pending orders only , slippage pips and or arrows showing the levels These values are incorporated in the order when it s created Magic Number this can be subsequently used by VO-Pro s Modify and Close Delete scripts, and also other trade management EAs, as a means of identifying orders, or groups of orders, for further processing Trade Comment this can likewise be used as a means of labeling orders However, it is also modified by MT4, in certain situations Expiry Date Time this applies to pending orders only You can set a date time at which the order will automatically expire, if its price has not already been triggered The entry must be in the format space HH MM However, you can click on the wizard at the left of the field, to call a pop-up calendar, whose result will be pasted back into the portion The calendar operation is described further below Alternatively, you can type a time offset into the box highlighted by the red arrow in the above screenshot This can either take the form HHH or HHH MM and will set the expiry time as being HHH hours and MM.27 minutes ahead of the current time For example, typing 12 30 would cause the order to expire in 12 hours time Using the pop-up calendar see above screenshot Click the Today button so that the current month is showing Click the single arrow buttons to shift the calendar backward or forward by one month Click the double arrow buttons to shift the calendar backward or forward by one year Click on any day of the month button to select that day, and have it pasted back into the Expiry Date Time field Click the Cancel button to exit the calendar without changing the value in the Expiry Date Time field The blue - highlighted day is today s date The red-highlighted day is that currently in the Expiry Date Time field The number displayed in between the Today and Cancel buttons is the number of days between these two dates Slippage allowed pips some MT4 brokers allow this value to be entered on their New Order entry window Hence this field is included for compatibility It is the maximum deviation from the market price that you wish to allow, in order for the order to be processed Arrow Color this is the color of the arrow that will be plotted on your MT4 chart at the entry level Either choose a valid MT4 color token from the dropdown box click the wizard button to select a color from the standard Windows palette or type in a value in the format RxxxGxxxBxxx where xxx represents a value between 0 and 255, for the Red, Green and Blue components of your user-defined color Upper or lowercase can be used, and the R, G and B components can be typed in any order, or omitted if zero For example, b255r255 defines magenta If you don t want an arrow to be plotted, leave this field blank NOTE All of these settings remain sticky until you click either the RESET or RESTORE FACTORY SETTINGS button, or manually change or remove them.28 How VO-Pro calculates risk, margin and leverage As you can see from the parts highlighted red, my account equity is 9, and the pair that I m attempting to trade is NZDUSD, which operates at 10 per pip, per full lot traded because my account is denominated in USD If I m going to risk 20 of my account equity, 20 x 9, 1, My SL is currently 8 4 pips away from entry That value is displayed above the red SL line Or you can perform the calculation manually or 8 4 pips Since NZDUSD is 10 per pip , per full lot traded, each lot is going to create risk of 8 4 pips x 10 84 Now the question is how many lots can I trade, if each lot costs 84 in risk, and I m allowed a total risk of 1,938 12 So I divide 1, by 84, and the answer is lots But my br0ker allows only multiples of 0 01 lots, so this must be rounded down to lots, which you can see is the number of lots that VO-Pro has calculated above the white line This is the biggest number of lots that I can trade, with a 8 4 pip stoploss, that will keep the risk below 20 of my total account equity Do the calculation backwards to double check.29 23 07 lots x 10 per pip means that the risk is per pip also shown above the white line x 8 4 pips 1, shown above the red line , which is just fractionally under 20 of my account equity If I trade lots, x 10 per pip x 8 4 pips 1,938 72, which exceeds 20 of my account equity 1,938 12 Hence, to keep the risk under 20 , lots is the biggest number of lots that I can trade, for a 8 4 pip stoploss But this does NOT necessarily mean that my br0ker will allow the trade Why Because margin is different to risk VO-Pro calculates risk, not margin Margin depends on the amount of LEVERAGE allowed by your br0ker The margin requirement for any xxxusd pair is given by the formula lots x 100,000 leverage x exchange rate My account allows 100 1 leverage, so the calculation is x 100,000 100 x 19, Therefore I would need more than 19,000 in my account to place the trade But if you look in the screenshot you ll see that my free margin available is only 9, Hence when I try to place the trade, my br0ker returns Error 134 not enough money, because I do not have enough money in the account VO-Pro correctly reports this error Just out of curiosity, if my account allowed me 200 1 leverage, then the amount I would need is x 100,000 200 x 9, In other words, I would have just enough money in the account to make the trade.30 Incidentally, you can have VO-Pro display the true leverage for any trade See the previous screenshot In VOConsole, press F11 to get the full screen display Then click the wizard button highlighted in red, and click the Restore Factory Setting button also highlighted Now when you place a trade, the true leverage also shows above the white line also highlighted This is the leverage needed to make a trade Note how this value also changes as you move your stoploss around If this number is less than the leverage allowed by your account, then your br0ker should allow the trade However, this may vary a little from br0ker to br0ker, so you ll probably need to allow some margin for error That s why I leave the error handling to the br0ker, and simply have VO-Pro report any error that s returned.31 Creating multiple orders simultaneously VO-Pro can be used to expedite a number of widely used scaling in entry strategies 1 Same entry sl tp levels, multiple components The first of these scenarios involves breaking down a single trade, with the same initial entry sl tp levels, into a number of smaller component positions These positions can then have their levels modified by VO-Pro s Modify script, if desired This is achieved by entering the component sizes into VOC s Trade Risk field Each value must be separated by a comma, and any or symbol may be included anywhere, but only once, in the field Example 1 Supposing we want to risk 3 5 of our account equity, but break it into 4 component positions in the ratio of 1 1 2 3 This could be done as follows Then we would run the VO Create New Order script, as usual VO-Pro will show the total risk 3 5 , return and size of all of the component positions However, when you click to place the order, the component orders will be broken down and placed individually Example 2 Here we are risking a total of 500, split into 250, 150 and 100 component positions.32 As you can see, the total amount is entered, followed by the ratios that it is to be broken down into Entries must be separated by commas , Since we are working with ratios, the following would achieve exactly the same result 500,25,15,10 Or 500,5,3,2 Example 3 here we are simply placing orders of 0 5, 0 5 and 1 lots You can use this technique to place the trades, then run the VO Modify Orders script to easily adjust the Entry levels of any of the positions for scaling in and or the TP levels for scaling out 2 SL and or TP a fixed number of pips from entry VO-Pro allows you to set your SL and or TP a fixed number of pips from the entry point, eg if your SL is always 20 pips away from entry or your TP is always double the distance away than the SL, creating a 2 1 RR trade To create the above scenario, ie SL 20 pips from entry, and TP twice the distance of the SL, type the entries shown below.33 Alternatively, you can always click on the the wizards to display a selection of all possible options For example, the TP wizard brings up this window As always with a wizard, type in your desired value and click the button to its immediate left In the above example, you need only type in the 2 and the wizard automatically pastes back the correct data On your MT4 chart, you ll see the default SL set at 20 pips , and the default TP set at 2R, ie 2 x 20 40 pips If you move the ENTRY line around, both the TP and SL lines will also move, to maintain the 20p and 2R ratios.34 If you move the SL line around, the TP line will also move, to maintain the 2R ratio For example, if the SL is now 35 pips , the TP will be 70 pips Finally, you can move the TP line to the desired level, as a final adjustment these will be the current spread, if you have the Adjust for spread setting checked ON see screenshot below Uncheck this box if you require unadjusted SL TP settings All of the valid options for any field are described in, and are selectable from, its wizard Note that all of these are merely initial settings As explained above, you can always adjust the levels by subsequently moving the lines around on the MT4 chart Experiment until you become thoroughly familiar with all of the different types of setting 3 Scaling IN and or OUT using multiple, evenly spaced entry, TP and SL points VO-Pro makes scaling in to multi-level trades a very fast and simple process Example suppose you want to scale in 3 times, with each entry 10 pips higher than the previous entry, and that risk for each component trade will be 1 of the account balance Run the VO Create New Order script, as usual Set the Trade Risk, and move the lines to the desired levels Click to place the first component Then use the Entry wizard to select the next entry as being 10 pips higher than the previous entry, as shown in the screenshot below Run the VO Create New Order script a second time The entry line will be 10 pips higher than the previous entry Click to place the second component.35 Then run the script a third time and click to place the final component All done Of course you could have moved any of the lines before clicking, in each case The 10 setting merely sets the initial level of the entry line You can achieve exactly the same effect by using the SL TP wizards to set evenly spaced SL and or TP lines, allowing you to scale out of trades at evenly spaced levels Or combinations of entry and TP, for example, to allow both scaling in and out simultaneously You can also check Auto-execute order s ON see screenshot below , to expedite the process further This removes the need to click the button to place the order, ie it is placed immediately the VO Create New Order script is run Thus, having entered the required settings in VOC, you can simply run the script repeatedly or, even quicker, repeatedly type the hotkey to have the component orders placed in machine gun like fashion Again, I recommend that you experiment with variations of all of these settings until you become thoroughly familiar with how VO-Pro works 4 Entries based on the current market price As is apparent from the wizard options, VO-Pro can make its entries and exits based on the current market bid price This is probably best used with the Adjust for spread option checked OFF Example to create a buystop entry if price rises 20 pips from the current market price, with a stoploss of 30 pips 10 pips below market price , and a take profit at 2R, set up the parameters as shown below, then run the VO Create New Order script.36 Use the wizard market and market buttons to create the entries You should be very familiar with this process by now The hash symbol that gets automatically pasted back denotes market price As usual, make final adjustments that you wish by moving the lines around your MT4 chart, before clicking EXECUTE to place the order The RESET button Clicking the RESET button or pressing Alt-R clears all of the above fields and returns settings back to their initial values A reset also returns the entry, SL and TP lines to their default locations usually approx half way up the screen, set by their Vert pos settings , ready for the next time the VO Create New Order script is run In the screenshot below, for example, the default SL starting location is 35 of the way up the chart window This is useful for resetting the line positions, if you ve just changed the chart timeframe, and the prior levels are not longer within the price range visible on the screen.37 Alternative view the 3 layers of VO order entry 1 When placing a new order, the overriding premise is that unless you have Auto - execute checked on you can always move the entry sl tp lines whichever of these you use to your desired levels, and this determines the order type The order type buy, sell, buy limit, buy stop, sell limit or sell stop is always shown above the entry level, and it changes as you move the lines around With a market order buy or sell , there is no entry line, because entry must obviously be at the market price If the SL is below and TP is above the market price, VO will create a buy order the other way around, it will create a sell order With a pending order, the order type buy limit, sell limit, buy stop or sell stop is determined by the position of both the entry line, and either the SL or TP, relative to the current market price You can select and delete any lines entry sl tp that you don t need To delete, right click on a line it is merely a MT4 trendline object and choose the Delete option All of the above is logically consistent with the way you would place orders using any trading software For example, you can not have a buy order if the TP is lower than the entry price - MT4 will not allow it Note All of the other VOConsole options Trade Risk, Adjust for spread , Show RR text, etc are available before attaching the VO Create New Order script They are also available after attaching the script, unless they have been grayed out Think of point 1 as your basic operational layer - now we are going to add a layer on top of it, namely point 2 2 The values that you type into the entry sl tp fields in VOConsole s Create New Order panel merely determine the STARTING POSITION of the entry sl tp lines when you attach the VO Create New Order script to your chart After you ve attached the script, you can always select and move the lines to your final desired levels, as described in point 1 However, these point 2 options can speed up the order placement process, if you are consistently applying the same entry formula, thus saving you the bother of having to move the lines around too much Speed can be important if you re scalping in a fast moving market The possible options for starting position, for each of the entry sl tp, are shown by clicking the wizard button alongside the field A menu of options appears These options allow you to set the entry X pips above or below the market price, X pips above or below your last entry useful for scaling in using evenly spaced entries , or at the point where the script is dropped when you release the mouse, etc etc If you want a pending order, you must have an entry line if you want a market order, select NONE, which unchecks the box on VOConsole The same applies for the TP and SL The wizard will show you all of the available options The TP and SL can start above or below the.38 entry point, creating a default order type You can set these relative to the entry level, previous TP SL, current market price, mouse cursor drop point, and many other options The one option that operates slightly differently is the FIX option - it does not have an above or below entry option Instead, the position of the lines, relative to the entry point, defaults to that used in the previously created order Thus if the previous order was a buy, the current order will start out as a buy - but, once again, you can change this by moving the lines around as described in point 1 After you ve selected your option using the wizard, VOConsole will paste the correct text back into the field Of course you could simply type this text, instead of calling the wizard, if this is easier for you Finally, even if you get all of this wrong, you can still adjust everything by moving and or deleting the lines, as explained in point 1 With one exception The other option that s available is Auto-execute This is a powerful but dangerous facility, because it will go ahead and execute the order as soon as you attach the VO Create New Order script, ie without giving you the opportunity to move delete the lines as described in point 1 Now we are going to add a final layer on top of all this, namely point 3 3 The Presets facility This allows you to save all of your VOConsole entries as a preset, which you can then either 1 instantly recall with one click, or 2 select from a dropdown list The market buy , pending sell etc options are presets that I ve created myself, and shipped with VO-Pro, because I thought that many traders would find them useful However, you can modify these presets, or even delete them and create your own Note When you save a preset, ALL of the VOConsole settings are saved This includes not only the Trade Risk, and the entry sl tp options, but all of the fonts , colors, MT4 trade settings, etc as shown on the fully expanded VOConsole window You can set up presets to create not only basic trade operations, but sequences of operations that allow things like straddles, hedges, or multiple scale in points, to be recalled at a single mouse click What you set up depends on your style of trading Provided that each one has a unique name, there is no limit to the number of presets that you can create All of these will appear in the dropdown list Additionally, there are 9 preset buttons that allow you to recall your 9 favorite presets with a single click Here is how to create a preset a Click VOConsole s RESET button the one with the circular orange arrow This will reset or clear out all of the VOConsole fields b Type in your Trade Risk, entry sl tp levels see point 2 , other options Adjust for Spread, Auto-execute etc , and anything else that.39 you wish fonts, line colors, MT4 trade settings Comments, Magic , etc c In an empty slot in VOConsole s Preset buttons panel, type in a suitable name for your preset up to 20 characters Then click the Save button, and click OK to the Are you sure confirmation message Now the preset you ve created should appear in the presets dropdown box You can recall all of the settings that you saved by simply selecting it Or, if you prefer, you can click the relevant button number under the row of colored buttons at the top of VOConsole To assign a preset to a button, you simply select the preset from the dropdown lists in the Preset buttons panel To clear an entry, click the little numbered button to the left of the preset name Or you can click the Clear button to unassign all 9 Preset buttons, and start over To delete a preset, either load it as described two paragraphs ago or simply click on its name in the Preset buttons panel Then click the Delete button, and click OK to the Are you sure confirmation message CAUTION after checking that you re deleting the correct preset To copy a preset, load it, then type in a new name in an empty slot in the Preset buttons panel Then click the Save button and click OK to the Are you sure confirmation message.40 The Order Selection window The Order Selection window is obtained, and refreshed, by clicking the ORDERS LIST button or by pressing the F8 key All open and pending orders, for all currency pairs, are displayed, 16 at a time in the window The window is used to select which orders you wish to modify, close or delete When you run the VO Modify Orders script, both open and pending orders may be modified When you run the VO Close Delete Orders script, open orders are closed, and pending orders are deleted The orders are fed to VO-Pro via the VO Monitor EA, which must be running attached to any ONE chart for this to work correctly as explained earlier in this document Every time you wish to update the window with the latest order info, press F8 Alternatively, if the Auto refresh checkbox is checked ON, then the list automatically refreshes itself every 2 3 seconds Open orders that are currently in profit are displayed in blue typeface Open orders that are currently in loss are displayed in red typeface Pending not yet open orders are displayed in black typeface Click on the buttons at the top of each column to sort the orders , however you wish Order sort by order , which will display the orders in the sequence in which they were created Type this filters open orders to the top of the list, and pending orders to the bottom This is the same sequence as they are displayed in MT4 s terminal While Types are open and pending , these are displayed here as B buy, S sell, BL buy limit, SL sell limit, BS buy stop, SS sell stop Pair sorts the list alphabetically by currency pair symbol.41 Lots sorts the list in descending order of position size the largest position is at the top of the list Profit Loss open orders appear at the top of the list, from the most profitable, down to the biggest loss Pending orders appear at the bottom of the list Magic orders are sorted with the lowest or no magic number at the top of the list, to the highest magic number at the bottom Comment orders are sorted alphabetically by comment Those with no comment appear at the top of the list If the number of orders exceeds 16, click on the arrow buttons to page up down through the list The button takes you to the first order in the list The button takes you backward to the previous window of 16 orders The button takes you backward 1 order The button takes you forward 1 order The button takes you forward to the next window of 16 orders The button takes you to the last 16 orders in the list You can click anywhere across the line on an order to select it Its box is checked and its typeface is bolded Click again to deselect it The buttons just below the list also enhance the selection process These include any orders shown in previous next window pages Click ALL or press Ctrl-A to select all orders in the list Click NONE or press Ctrl-N to deselect all of the orders in the list Click Invert to invert your selection all selected orders become deselected, and vice versa Click Type to expand your selection to all orders of the same type s as those already selected For example, if you have a pending order selected, then all pending orders will be selected Types are open and pending Click Pair to expand your selection to include all orders of the same pair s as those already selected For example, if you currently have one EURUSD and one GBPJPY order selected, then the selection will be expanded to include all EURUSD and all GBPJPY orders Click Fill Between to expand your selection from the first selected order in the list, through to the last selected order in the list Click Profitable to expand your selection to include all profitable open trades Click Magic to expand your selection to include all orders with the same Magic number s as those already selected ie same principle as Pair Click Comment to expand your selection to include all orders with the same Comment as those already selected ie same principle as Pair Clicking the RESET button both refreshes the orders list, and also deselects all orders.42 Modifying existing orders VO-Pro will allows modification of existing orders on the current pair s chart, regardless of whether the orders were previously created using VO-Pro or not You can run the VO Modify Orders script to do any or all of the following review existing orders move the location of SLs and or TPs on all order types move the location of the entry on pending orders add or remove SLs and or TPs from existing orders delete pending orders VO-Pro will recalculate risk and return accordingly, and will automatically change pending order types buy limit, sell stop, etc if the locations are moved appropriately this is accomplished by automatically and transparently deleting the original order and creating another one, of the same lot size NOTE You can NOT use VO Modify Orders to change the lot size of any order you must delete it and use VO Create New Order to create a new order You can use either VO Modify Orders or VO Close Delete Orders explained in a later section to bulk-delete pending orders You can use VO Modify Orders to simultaneously bulk-modify multiple orders in the same pair That is a major difference between VO Modify Orders and VO Close Delete Orders the former allows bulk operations in the same pair whose chart is currently showing the latter allows bulk operations across multiple pairs If you select orders that you wish to modify, then you must proceed to a chart of the same pair in MT4, before running VO Modify Orders Otherwise you will get an error No orders selected for pair symbol 1 Moving the entry, SL and or TP lines First, i optionally set any default SL or TP values explained below , and then ii use the Order Selection window to select the orders you wish to modify explained in the previous section To save time, if you wish to select all orders for a pair, then you don t need to select anything VO-Pro will assume that you want to modify all of the orders for that pair thus selecting ALL or NONE actually achieves the same goal If the orders aren t showing, then you ll likely need to click the ORDERS LIST button or press F8 to refresh the list Then in MT4, select any chart with the appropriate currency pair, and run VO Modify Orders The following screenshot shows a bulk-modify of two existing pending orders in the USDJPY pair.43 Exactly as with the VO Create New Order function, you simply click on any of the lines to select them, and then drag them to any location that you wish Click EXECUTE to go ahead with the order modifications or CANCEL X to abort the changes If, after running VO Modify Orders , you get a No errors selected for symbol error window, then you probably need to refresh the Orders List and re-select your orders You can bulk-modify as many orders as you wish, although keep in mind that the lines will get shorter, in order to fit them across your screen, and if orders are at or near the same level the RR calculation texts will overlap, making them harder to read To get around this, toggle Show RR data above lines on off as you need to Or you could decrease the font size for the RR text and or the format of data that s being displayed, in VOCOnsole s RR display formatting panel 2 Removing the entry, SL and or TP lines You can remove a SL or a TP from an by simply running VO Modify Orders , and deleting the relevant line s Select all of those that you wish to delete, and press the DELETE key on your keyboard Then when you click EXECUTE, the SL and or TP for those orders will be set to zero in MT4 s Terminal You can also delete the entry lines for pending order s Then when you click EXECUTE, the pending order s will be deleted You can also bulk-delete pending orders across multiple pairs by using the VO Close Delete Orders script explained later .44 3 Adding SL and or TP levels If a pending or open order doesn t have currently have a SL or a TP, you can add them When you run VO Modify Orders , you ll see dotted lines representing a dummy level In the screenshot below , order P.750 lacks a TP, while order P.754 lacks a SL If you want to add the SL or TP, simply move the lines to your desired levels, before you click EXECUTE to accept the modifications, in the usual manner If you don t want to add the TP and SL levels, select and delete the dotted lines If this is a nuisance, ie you don t want the dotted lines to appear, then uncheck the SL create new and or TP create new boxes as shown in the screenshot below.45 4 Changing the starting SL and or TP lines default locations Just as with VO Create New Order, you can have the VO Modify Orders script start with the SL and or TP start in a specified location To achieve this, use the wizards next to the SL and TP fields to make your selection In keeping with VO-Pro s operational philosophy, all of these settings are merely a default starting location for the SL TP levels You can of course subsequently move the lines around however you wish Docking trendlines This is a little known MT4 feature, and can be useful for bulk-moving multiple SLs or TPs to the same level After attaching the VO Modify Orders script to a chart, select two or more lines that you wish to dock together Arbitrarily choose one of these lines as the master line, and then carefully drag the middle handles of the other selected lines so that they are positioned directly over the middle handle of the master line If you do this correctly, then when you drag the common middle handle around the screen, all of the lines will move as one With a little practise this can be quite handy.46 Moving stoploss SL to breakeven BE This widely used trade management strategy is used on profitable orders, to ensure that - no matter how price moves thereafter - they can never become a loss, since the order s will be stopped out if the price returns to the entry or breakeven point Here are the steps needed to achieve this, using VO-Pro 1 Select set SL to BE from VOConsole s dropdown or you could simply click the 6 button near the top of VOConsole s window, since this preset has been assigned to button 6 See the first screenshot below 2 Select one or more orders that are in profit in VOConsole s Orders List window These are colored blue, and you can simply click the NONE, and then Profitable buttons, to select all profitable orders, if you wish Or you can simply select individual orders by clicking on them, to check them ON 3 In MT4, go to any chart where such orders exist eg if you have selected profitable GBPJPY orders, then go to a GBPJPY chart 4 Drag the VO Modify Orders script onto the chart The SLs red lines of all of these trades should be set at the breakeven level You can select and move these lines to a different level, if you wish 5 Click the EXECUTE button 6 Repeat steps 3 thru 5 if you have selected orders with other pairs, and you want to move their SLs to BE also NOTE All the preset set SL to BE does is set the SL value in the Modify Orders panel to 0 See first screenshot That is what a preset does it saves ALL of the VOConsole settings, so that you can later recall them quickly.47 Example Let s suppose you want to create a preset that locks in 10 from every profitable order ie moves the SL to breakeven 10 All of the steps below refer to the second screenshot a Click the RESET circular orange arrow button to clear all of the settings b Click the wizard button alongside the SL in the Modify Orders panel Type 10 in the field alongside the N button and click SAVE This will paste 10 back into the SL field c Type a suitable name eg move SL to BE 10 for the preset into any preset dropdown In the screenshot, I ve typed it into slot 9, so that I can also recall it by simply clicking the 9 button near the top of VOConsole d Click the SAVE button to save the preset, and click Yes to the Are you sure message Now, whenever you have orders in profit by more than 10, you can lock in this profit by following steps 1 thru 6 above.48 How to move the SL to a pre-determined level.49 See the screenshot Click on the wizard shown, and the menu of options for the SL will appear at the right of the screenshot - -- You can click the entry button, to set the SL to BE breakeven --- Or type a 1 and then click the entry N button to set the SL to 1 pip above the entry price this is BE 1 for a buy trade - -- Or type a 1 and then click the entry N button to set the SL to 1 pip below the entry price this is BE 1 for a sell trade --- Or set the start location of the SL line to any of the other options shown Select the orders that you wish to modify in this manner from VOConsole s Orders List window see video 11 in post 1 Note that no matter which orders you select, the Modify Orders function will only allow you to modify orders on your current chart eg if current chart is USDJPY, then you can modify only USDJPY orders for obvious reasons However, if you additionally selected AUDUSD orders, then if you switch to an AUDUSD chart, and attach the VO Modify Orders script, then VO-Pro will allow modification of all of the AUDUSD orders that you selected When you attach the VO Modify Orders script to your chart, the starting location of the SL line will be at the level you specified previously Click EXECUTE to execute the order If you change your mind, you can move the lines around anywhere before you click EXECUTE Or click CANCEL X to abort the operation If you have multiple orders for the same pair, and you selected them all in VOConsole s Orders List window, then VO Modify Orders performs a bulk operation, ie moves SLs of ALL of the selected orders for the pair on the chart This is handy is you ve set up multiple orders to scale in out, and you want to move SL to BE N pips, for all of them If you try to set the SL to BE 1 or any other level before the trade is sufficiently in profit to allow you to do this, VO-Pro will issue a message above the white entry point saying ERROR - entry must be between SL TP Or, failing this, you ll get Error invalid stops when you attempt to EXECUTE the order modification.50 Closing and or Deleting Orders The VO Close Delete Orders script allows you to bulk-close open orders, and or bulk-delete pending orders, all at once First, you must type any close instructions into the Close Rules field, and select the orders you want to work with from VOConsole s Order Selection window as explained previously Then move to MT4, run the VO Close Delete Orders script, double check that you re happy with what s about to be closed deleted, then click the YES button in the op-up window that appears, to confirm the operation One main difference between VO Modify Orders and VO Close Delete Orders is that then former allows you to operate on orders in the same currency pair only because these must be visually displayable on the current MT4 chart , while the latter allows you to bulkclose delete orders across any or all pairs simultaneously In some situations, it might be quicker or easier to use MT4 s facilities to close or delete an individual order The choice is yours Close Rules This field see screenshot below allows you to enter MM-based instructions as to how much of each position you wish to close, ie causing a partial close If you leave the field blank, VO-Pro assumes that you want to close the entire position of each selected order, iea full close Pressing the F8 key takes you to full screen mode, refreshes the order list and places the cursor in the Close Rules field, ready to accept your instructions Then all you need to do is move to MT4 , run the VO Close Delete Orders script, and click YES or press Y to confirm the bulk operation The entry in this field applies to all selected open orders any selected pending orders will simply be deleted Possible entries for this field are Leaving the field blank means that VO-Pro will cause MT4 to perform a full close on every selected order Simply entering a number N will close N lots, eg entering 3 5 would close 3 5 lots, from each selected position MT4 will perform a partial close, and create a new order with the same SL and TP for the remainder of the position Any order with less than N lots open will be ignored Entering N will close N lots from each selected position MT4 will perform a partial close as described previously Any order with less than N lots open will be fully closed Entering a fraction XY eg 1 2 or 1 3 will close that fraction of each selected position, eg entering either 1 4 or 25 100 would close one quarter MT4 will perform a partial close as described previously Entering a dollar amount N will close enough of the trade to ensure that N is banked immediately, from each selected position MT4 will perform a partial close as described previously The amount must be a positive value, ie the trade must already be in profit, for you to use this facility If.51 there isn t enough profit in the trade, you ll get a message Insufficient profit for close Entering N means that if the trade is currently in profit by at least N, then VO-Pro will close the entire position, otherwise it will do nothing The amount must be a positive value, ie the trade must already be in profit, for you to use this facility Entering N means that if the trade is not yet in profit by at least N, then VO-Pro will close the entire position, otherwise it will do nothing The amount must be a positive value, ie the trade must already be in profit, for you to use this facility Entering a percentage N will close enough of the trade to ensure that an amount equal to the specified percent N of your equity is banked immediately MT4 will perform a partial close as described previously The amount must be a positive value, ie the trade must already be in profit, for you to use this facility If there isn t enough profit in the trade, you ll get a message Insufficient profit for close Entering F free trade or a number with a F eg FN will close enough of the trade ensure that a profit of N will be the overall result, if the trade was to subsequently reverse to its SL Thus typing F0 or simply F will ensure a breakeven overall result This is explained fully in the next section Entering R instructs VO-Pro to execute a close and reverse The entire position is closed, and an opposing market buy or sell order is immediately opened, with the same position size, in the opposite direction You can then add a SL and or TP to the new position, by using VO Modify Orders Each selected open order is assessed on its individual merit Hence just because one or more operations are unable to be performed eg an Insufficient profit for close message won t necessarily stop the others from being processed All selected pending orders will be deleted The screenshot below shows an example, where all 3 orders have been selected, with a Close Rule of 0 3 lots In this case, order will be closed and a new order for 0 16 lots will be opened order being less than 0 3 lots, will be closed in its entirety while the pending order will be deleted.52 After the VO Close Delete Orders script has been run, the Close delete Order s window appears Clicking YES will cause VO-Pro to perform a partial close on order a full close on order and pending order The Free Ride trade function The free ride is a powerful MM-based exit strategy that will close enough of your position to ensure that, if the remainder of your position were to retrace to the current position of your SL, you would nonetheless exit with an overall profit outcome of X You simply type your desired value of X alongside the free ride option in the Close Rules wizard s menu of options Example To keep the math easy, let s say your position size is 1 lot on EURUSD 10 pip You re currently 60 pips 600 in profit, and your SL is 20 pips 200 below the original entry level You want a free ride that will safely bank 400 overall, even if the rest of your trade was to tank to the SL Hence you enter a free ride of 400, and the VO Close Delete Orders script calculates that it must close 0 75 lots to achieve this, ie Amount banked 0 75 lots x 600 450 Loss incurred by remaining position 0 25 lots x 200 50 Hence net outcome 450 50 400.53 If the value you enter is positive 0 , then the free ride works as shown above If the value you enter is 0, then the free ride will ensure that the overall result is breakeven If the value you enter is negative 0 , then the free ride ensures that the overall loss is limited to X The trade must currently be in profit for the free ride to operate correctly Attempting to use a free ride on a trade that s currently in loss is obviously meaningless Likewise, if you have already moved the SL to or beyond breakeven, then you re already guaranteed a profit, making a free ride meaningless Algebra the formula used by VO-Pro is XFLPL where X the fraction of the total position that must be closed, to ensure a free ride F the amount that you want to safely bank overall the amount of the free ride that you enter L the amount of the loss that must be compensated for 200 in the above example P the amount that your trade is currently in profit 600 in the above example In the above example X 0 75 Hence 75 of the 1 lot position should be closed 0 75 lots NOTES 1 If you select multiple orders on VOConsole s Orders List window, then the same free ride value that you enter is applied to each order individually Thus if you had 3 orders currently in profit, and requested a free ride of 400, then your overall outcome would be a guaranteed 400 per trade, or 1,200 You can select all profitable orders quickly by clicking VOConsole s Profitable button The same principle applies to all VO Modify Orders and VO Close Delete Orders options selecting multiple orders permits a rule to be applied in bulk to all selected orders 2 Of course you can use the VO Modify Orders script to move the SL location before applying the free ride 3 The free ride is a MM-based alternative to moving your SL You can guarantee a no worse than outcome while still giving your trade room to move Of course it s perfectly permissible to use a combination of both, eg advance the SL to reduce the loss, and then free ride the position.54 VOC input fields Trade Risk This determines the total amount of risk of all order s that are being placed You can enter it as any one of A fixed number of full standard lots simply type a number A dollar amount or whatever currency your account is denominated in enter a dollar sign anywhere in the field A percent of your account balance, equity, free margin, or other designed amount enter a percent symbol anywhere in the field Note that balance, equity, or free margin is selected in the Miscellaneous entries area You can click the wizard button to have VOConsole automatically type the correct symbol into the field on your behalf, or click the dropdown arrow to select any entry that has previously been entered since VOConsole was last started Note that if you re running the 14 trial version, risk can be entered only as one of 2 full lots 200 or 20 of account equity Trade Risk applies to the VO Create New Order script only You can amend the Trade Risk while the script is attached to the chart and hence the entry sl tp lines are visible You can not adjust risk of a pending order when running the VO Modify Orders script instead, you must delete the order and create it again VO-Pro uses the locations of the entry sl tp lines, relative to each other, and also the relative to the current market price, to automatically determine the order type buy limit, sell stop, etc If you are not using a SL or TP, then VOConsole will default to a buy order You can override this by typing either a B or an S upper or lowercase into the Trade Risk field, to force VO-Pro to default to either a buy or a sell , eg 2 b would force a buy order of risk 2.55 You can enter a split order example 70,1,2,4 ie follow the risk value with a up to 10 further entries, separated by commas , This means that the total risk of 70 will be split according to the ratios entered, and VO-Pro will create three component orders Order 1 risk 1 1 2 4 x 70 1 7 x 70 10 Order 2 risk 2 1 2 4 x 70 2 7 x 70 20 Order 3 risk 4 1 2 4 x 70 4 7 x 70 40 All of the component orders will share the same entry, SL and TP You can later run VO Modify Orders to adjust any of these A magic number is a separate reference number that you can create, to reference an order , or group of orders To save you the bother of expanding VOConsole to its full window, you can enter a magic number into the Risk field, by enclosing it inside square brackets, eg 2 111 or 2 111 - VO-Pro assumes the right bracket means that risk is set to 2 , and magic 111 will be transferred to the MT4 Trade settings area, and therefore assigned to the order If you enter a magic of 0, eg 2 or 2 , then VOConsole generates a random 4-digit number and places it in the Magic Number field You can likewise enter any comment that you want attached to the order here, by enclosing it inside single quotes, e g.56 0 5 market buy or 0 5 market buy - VO-Pro assumes the closing quote Will create an order of 0 5 lots, and the comment market buy will be transferred to the MT4 Trade settings area, and therefore assigned to the order Adjust for spread If checked on recommended the entry sl tp lines represent the BID prices on the MT4 chart , allowing them to be matched directly against bar candle open high low close and other technical studies because all items on a MT4 chart are always plotted at the BID price the RR text above the line represents the actual price your order will be executed at, ie the ASK price if buying if entering a buy transaction, or exiting a sell transaction , or the BID price if selling if entering a sell transaction, or exiting a buy transaction the spread difference between the BID and ASK prices will be factored into the calculated position size, risk and return values Adjusting for spread gives you the best of both worlds, ie you can move the entry sl tp lines to precise technical levels on your chart, while the displayed values show the exact return and risk from the trade If checked off , then both the lines and text represent the actual price, and you will need to factor in any costs manually yourself You can toggle this adjustment on off while the script is attached ie the lines text are on the chart to see the effect that the spread has on the return and risk of any trade Show RR data this allows you to toggle the text that appears above the lines on off, while the lines are on the chart Toggling the text off reduces chart clutter, allowing you to see candles and technical studies that would otherwise be obscured by the text Extend lines if checked on, this extends the lines as rays to the right hand extreme of the chart Auto-execute if checked off, the VO-Pro gives you the opportunity to adjust the locations of the lines , and any other VOConsole settings that are not grayed out, before clicking the EXECUTE button.57 If checked on CAUTION , VO-Pro will automatically attempt to execute the creation modification of an order without giving you the opportunity of adjusting the initial position of the lines This is a potentially powerful but dangerous option it allows you to rapidly place multiple orders by simply dragging the script onto the chart, or pressing the script s designated hotkey, multiple times in quick succession Perfect for scaling in rapidly and accurately, at equal price intervals, in a fast moving market Create New Order These options apply to the VO Create New Order script only They set the initial level of the entry sl tp lines Provided that Autoexecute is checked off, you can of course move the entry sl tp levels before you execute placement of the order If you check the SL or TP item off, then the order will be placed without a SL or TP, respectively NOTE if you choose to operate without a SL, then risk must be entered as a fixed number of lots , as it is impossible to calculate it otherwise If you check the Entry off, then no entry level means that VO-Pro will assume that you wish to place a market order, ie the current market price is the entry price Hence To place a market order, check the Entry box off To place a pending limit or stop order, check the Entry box on Note that deleting the lines from your MT4 price chart also has the effect of removing the entry, SL and or TP from the order VO-Pro s entry sl tp lines are simply MT4 objects to delete them, select the object, right click, and choose delete To undelete the last deleted object, press Ctrl-Z Click on the wizard buttons to choose from a number of different options, in terms of setting the initial levels of the entry sl tp lines Type a value in the appropriate box, and then click either the button to its immediate left, or the SAVE button, or press ENTER The wizard will automatically paste the correct text symbols back into the input field Feel welcome to experiment with the different options hopefully they are self-explanatory The instructional videos also give some examples of their use.58 Modify Orders These options apply to the VO Modify Orders script only They set the initial level of the SL TP lines The checkboxes refer to the situation where a SL or TP doesn t already exist, ie the order was originally created without one If a box is checked on, then a thin dotted line or whatever you set the lines widths styles to appears on your MT4 chart when the VO Modify Orders script is activated If you don t wish to add this SL or TP to the order, then you must delete this line select the object and right click, then select Delete If a box is checked off, then no thin dotted line will be plotted, ie it s assumed that you don t wish to add a SL or TP While the VO Modify Orders script is attached, deleting the entry line has the effect of deleting a pending order Alternatively, you can use the VO Close Delete Orders script to delete them However, if you move the entry sl tp lines in a pending order around so that the order type must be changed, VO-Pro will automatically delete the order and create a new one, for the same position lot size The VO Modify Orders script allows you to review modify all selected orders for the relevant MT4 chart s pair The Show RR totals checkbox allows you to toggle between showing the return risk for each component order, or the total return risk and the average RR across all of the component orders.59 RR display formatting Any changes made to this section should be reflected on the MT4 chart, immediately you click on MT4 to give it focus Font name size the font size used to display the RR text Select from the available Windows fonts by clicking the wizard button Note that MT4 does not support the Font style option, hence it is ignored Use the spin arrows to adjust the size The text color is always the same as the color of its associated line Order ID this applies to the Modify Orders operation only You can use the Order , Magic or Comment to identify the on-screen order Vert pos this allows you to set how far above below the line the text will appear Experiment with positive or negative numbers You can tilt the lines to adjust the text position , once the script has been attached and the lines are on the chart The Adjust speed determines how fast the text adjusts when you tilt a line higher value means faster Show price check this on if you want the entry sl tp price to be displayed above the line Format Pips, Currency etc click the wizard button to change the format of the displayed item You can enter any text you want displayed at the left prefix or right suffix of the field The.60 wizard will automatically build the field according to the entries that you choose If you don t want an item to display, check the Blank option on, or simply type a B into the field.61 Line Colors, Widths, Styles These settings affect the corresponding line entry sl tp that is displayed at the left of the window Any changes made to this section should be reflected on the MT4 chart, immediately you click on MT4 to give it focus Colors may be selected from the Windows palette dialog by clicking the wizard button or from MT4 s selection of named color tokens, by clicking the dropdown arrow Width accepts a value between 1 and 5, as permitted by MT4 Style is restricted to those permitted by MT4, and can be selected from the dropdown Vert pos determines how far up the price chart, percent-wise, the lines will appear, after the RESET circular orange arrow button has been clicked The symbol is optional Horiz pos First determines how many bars candles from the left of the chart window the leftmost point of the lines will be plotted Length determines how many bars candles long each line is this is significant for the Modify Orders function, where multiple orders are being displayed for review modification Leaving the entry blank means that the lines will be allocated equal length, eg if 60 candles are being displayed in the window, and 3 orders are being modified, then each line will be 60 3, or 20 candles, long.62 Miscellaneous settings Trade Risk n of This determines whether your entry in the Trade Risk field represents a percent of your account balance closed trades only , account equity both closed and open trades or remaining free margin You can either type BE or F, respectively, or select an item from the dropdown Alternatively, you can enter an amount into this field, and the Trade Risk will be calculated as a percentage of this amount Or you can make an entry like B 10000, which means that you want risk to be a percent of the sum of the balance in this particular MT4 account, plus 10,000 that you have lodged elsewhere Play sounds allows you to toggle on off the clonk, pop and squeak sounds that VO - Pro plays when attaching a script, placing an order, and cancelling a script, respectively ECN STP broker auto-add SL TP when creating new order with most broker MT4s, when creating a market order, it s necessary to enter the SL and TP as a separate step, by modifying the already created order However, if you check this box on, VO-Pro will perform both the create and modify operations for you, seamlessly and automatically If the box is checked off, then VO-Pro will attempt to place the SL and or TP as part of the original order If the broker allows this, there is the benefit that an order can never be placed without a SL TP, ie either the order is placed as a whole, in the one step, or it is not However, may brokers do not allow this, and leaving the box unchecked will result in an Error 130 Invalid stops message ECN STP broker allow slippage if interim price move VO-Pro sends the prices represented by the entry sl tp lines to the broker, for acceptance However, if prices change during the transmission process, the price may no longer be valid Checking this box on delays transmitting the prices to the last possible second, even if they have changed from those that were displayed above the lines, meaning that your return and risk calculations will likely be compromised Leaving the box checked off means that only the prices displayed above the lines will be transmitted, protecting you from any possible slippage.63 Prioritize CPU usage In order to get the entry sl tp lines and text to move as smoothly as possible, VO-Pro effectively requisitions the computer s CPU, causing high CPU usage On some Windows configurations, this may cause problems with MT4 and other applications that are also running To alleviate any degradation or stoppages, try checking this setting on This will cause a 0 5 second delay between each iteration of VO-Pro s checking to see whether a line has been moved, thereby allowing other jobs to utilize this downtime However, the lines and text will likely move much less smoothly as a result Note that the high CPU usage only occurs while one of the VO Create Order or VO Modify Orders scripts are attached to the chart, ie the lines are visible Immediately you click either the EXECUTE or the CANCEL X button, and the script ends, CPU usage will return back to normal Extra costs per lot This allows VO-Pro to factor in other costs like brokerage, commission and swap rollover interest into its position sizing, return an risk calculations You can enter the amount, per full lot for the roundtrip trade , either in pips simply enter a value or in dollars enter a value, and include a dollar sign Note spread is already factored in via the Adjust for spread setting Execution attempts Normally only 1 attempt should be necessary, to send an order request to your broker However, you can increase this value to any number you wish, and set the Wait time, in seconds, between each attempt VO-Pro will then attempt to send the order the stipulated number of times, until the broker either accepts it, or declines it, in which case VO-Pro posts the error message Screenshot Entering non-zero values here cause a screenshot of your chart, at the moment the order is placed, to be created as a file named VO pair symbol order MT4 date time in your mt4 experts files folder The two values that you enter, specify the width and height, respectively, in pixels, of the screenshot Tick value override VO-Pro uses MT4 s tickvalue setting to calculate the dollar value per pip, per full lot traded eg for an account denominated in USD, trading a full lot of any xxxusd currency is 10 per pip, hence tickvalue for EURUSD would be 10 However, on some broker MT4 platforms, the tickvalue entries especially for metals, commodities etc don t reflect this value correctly To work around this, you may type a non-zero value here that represents the dollar value per pip, per full lot traded VO-Pro will then use this value instead of the tickvalue setting in MT4 To have VO-Pro use the value in MT4 , leave this field zero or blank Price Snap to grid This allows you to set the granularity for prices used by VO-Pro, in its calculations For example, typing 0 05 here means that the entry sl tp lines will all jump to the nearest price multiple of 0 05 excluding any adjustment for spread , as you move them around, and all calculations will be adjusted accordingly If you enter a negative number, then its numeric value is assumed to be a number of pips, and is converted to an absolute price value eg entering -5 5 pips would result in price being rounded to the nearest 0 05 for xxxjpy pairs, and to the nearest for other.64 pairs If you don t want any rounding performed, simply leave this field blank MT4 Trade settings These settings become part of the MT4 order itself Due to MT4 limitations, Magic Number and Trade Comment can be set only when creating a new order, and therefore apply to VO Create New Order only The remaining settings apply to both VO Create New Order and Vo Modify Orders Magic Number A magic number is an alternative reference number that can be attached to an order, or a group of orders Whereas an order changes if you partially close a trade MT4 closes part of your original order, and then creates a new order for the remainder , the magic is inherited by the new order Thus one possible use for magic numbers is to track partially closed orders in Trade Minder The magic number you apply here can not be viewed in MT4 s Terminal area, but it is shown in VO-Pro s rolling Orders List window, and also in the order selection lists in Trade Minder You can enter any number between 1 and as a magic If you enter a negative number, and then save the settings as a preset, then VO-Pro will automatically substitute the negative value with a randomly generated 4-digit positive number, every time the preset is recalled loaded The second field is an increment, and applies to split orders see notes on the Trade Risk field above, for info on splitting orders For example, if you enter 70,1,2,4 into the Trade Risk field, three orders will be generated if you enter 101 and 1 into the Magic settings here, this specifies an initial magic of 101, and an increment value of 1 Hence the three orders would be generated with magic numbers of 101, 102 and 103, respectively Trade Comment MT4 allows a comment of up to 30 characters to be entered for each order, to help identify it You can view these comments in MT4 s Terminal, by right clicking, and selecting Comments Note MT4 also overwrites the comment field with various texts, eg sl or tp is appended if an order reaches its SL or TP target or the word cancelled overwrites any prior comment if a pending order is deleted You can type an any comment that you wish here, and it will appear in MT4 s Comment field until unless overwritten by MT4 Expiry Date Time MT4 allows you to set an expiry date time for any pending order If the price hasn t been reached by the time the Expiry Time comes around, the order is automatically deleted Expiry is ignored for market orders.65 You can enter an expiry date time here It must be in the format HH MM, so that MT4 understands it Or click the wizard button to summon a pop-up calendar then simply click on the day of your choice, and the date will be pasted back in the correct format, leaving you only the time to type in Alternatively, you can fill in the second field as a time from now entry, in hours and minutes format HH MM Hence you could enter 2 30 to have the pending order expire 2 hours and 30 minutes from now Slippage allowed pips This doesn t appear to be used by modern ECN STP type brokers, but is included for backward compatibility with previous broker MT4s Simply leave the value at 99 Arrow Color Leave blank if you don t want MT4 to place arrows on your chart at the entry sl tp levels Otherwise you may select a color for the arrow, either from the Windows palette dialog by clicking the wizard button, or from MT4 s selection of named color tokens, by clicking the dropdown arrow Creating Using Presets Presets allow you to save all of the VOConsole settings so that they may be instantly recalled, when the preset is subsequently loaded This, when coupled with VOConsole s auto-execute facility, is ideal for scalping in a fast moving market, as it allows a number of orders to be rapidly and accurately entered VO-Pro comes with 6 factory supplied presets market buy market sell pending buy pending sell same levels move SL to BE The first five apply to creating new orders the final one to modifying existing orders You can also create your own presets, as explained below Each presets is saved in a file named VO - presetname in the experts files folder Hence there is no limit to the number of presets that you may have.66 To load an existing preset Presets may be recalled loaded quickly by selecting their name from any one of the 10 available dropdowns one is at the top left of the VOConsole window the other 9 in the Preset buttons area at the bottom left Alternatively up to 9 presets may be assigned a button number from 1 to 9 this is done by selecting them from the dropdown in the Preset buttons area , and then clicking on the numbered button at the top left of VOConsole s window, any time you wish to recall load the preset To create a new preset 1 Enter the settings that you wish to be saved 2 Type a name max 20 characters into any one of the 9 available slots in the Preset buttons area at the bottom left of the window Note this also assigns the preset to that button number 3 Click the Save button at the bottom of the area, and then click Yes to confirm, and the preset will be saved or click Cancel to exit without saving To model a new preset on an existing preset 1 Load the preset that you wish to use as the model 2 Type the new name max 20 characters into any one of the 9 available slots in the Preset buttons area at the bottom left of the window Note this also assigns the preset to that button number.67 3 Click the Save button at the bottom of the area, and then click Yes to confirm, and the preset will be saved under its new name, leaving the original preset intact or click Cancel to exit without saving To delete an existing preset Either use Windows file manager to delete the VO - presetname file or load the preset as described above, then click the Delete button, and then click Yes to confirm the deletion To rename an existing preset Either use Windows file manager to rename the VO - presetname file or model the new preset on the existing one, as described above, then delete the original preset To assign a preset a button number 1-9 Simply load the preset into any one of the 9 available slots in the Preset buttons area at the bottom left of the window This assigns the preset to that button number To reassign the button to a different preset, simply load the replacement preset by selecting it from the dropdown To clear a preset button Click the numbered button inside the Preset buttons area at the bottom left of the window To clear ALL preset buttons Click the Clear button at the bottom of the area, and then click Yes to confirm.68 To copy areas settings currently in the VOConsole window to multiple presets 1 Make sure that the area s that you wish to copy are currently set to the desired values 2 If you want to copy your designated areas settings into a few presets only, then load these presets into the Preset buttons area at the bottom left of the window If you want to copy into all presets, then simply proceed to the next step 3 Click the Copy settings to all presets button On the window that pops up, check ON the areas whose settings you want to copy Trade Risk, items in RR display formatting panel, etc Select either All presets, or only those presets in the Preset buttons area 4 Click OK to set the process in motion or click Cancel to bail out The preset currently being worked on shows up in the Copy settings to all presets button, which reverts to its normal state when the process is complete Example Creating a preset to execute a straddle To set up a straddle preset i Create the buy part of the straddle Click VOConsole s RESET the circular orange arrow button, then use the wizards to set up the entry, SL, and TP positions, eg SL market entry market 20 TP market 50 Also, set Auto execute orders checkbox ON and if you wish create a trade comment eg VO straddle and or a magic number Set your Trade Risk, eg 1 Then type a preset name eg straddle buy into any empty slot in the Preset buttons area , and click the SAVE button and then OK to confirm This will save all of the settings currently showing on VOConsole for later recall and use.69 BUY SETUP SELL SETUP ii Create the sell part of the straddle Again, use the wizards to set up the entry, SL, and TP positions, eg SL market entry market 20 TP market 50 The other parameters shouldn t need changing Then type a preset name eg straddle sell into any empty slot in the Preset buttons area, and click the SAVE button and then OK to confirm Now you ve created two presets, straddle buy and straddle sell , which you can use repeatedly in the future Each time you wish to run the straddle i click the preset load button that you assigned to straddle buy , to recall the straddle buy preset or you can select it from the dropdown ii attach the VO Create New Order script to your chart Presto Because the auto-execute facility is checked ON, the buy order will automatically be placed Now repeat steps i and ii to load and execute the straddle sell order The whole operation is done with click, drag, click, drag There are many other ways that you can use presets to create all.70 sorts of different order types and combos No matter what your entry strategy is, VO-Pro can execute it Files output by VO-Pro VOConsole uses a number of files The file is an export of your current VOConsole settings, which is then read and used by the MT4 scripts VO Create New Order , VO Modify Orders and VO Close Delete Orders The factory default settings are stored in All of the preset files both the factory supplied ones, and any created by you are saved as VO - preset Registration data for the trial version is stored in If you buy a VO-Pro license, you get a new registration file which overrides the data in The preset button assignments are stored in which is the only one of these files that isn t encrypted Upgrading MT4 version should not change these files, as they are all stored in the experts files folder, which as far as I know is accessed only by scripts eas indicators created by the user or third party programmer However, if you run the VO installer then all of the files with the exception of and any user-created presets are overwritten, as the installer simply assumes that you re installing a new version of VO-Pro Other non-encrypted text files created used by VO-Pro this file is created by the VO monitor EA and is used to send the order info as it appears in the Trades tab of MT4 s terminal to VOConsole s Orders List window Order this is a history of all orders created, modified, closed or deleted by VO-Pro Errors whenever your MT4 br0ker reports an error eg Error Invalid Stops , you get the error window, and the error information, VOConsole settings and other diagnostics are all written out to this file VO-HF an empty file whose presence tells VOCOnsole that the scripts have already been added to Navigator favorites, and that hotkeys have been assigned thus ensuring that this process occurs only once List of VOConsole hotkeys RESET button F9 or Alt-R EXECUTE button Ctrl-Enter or Alt-X CANCEL button Esc or Alt-C.71 MIN button F10 or Alt-M SETTINGS button F11 or Alt-S ORDERS button F12 or Alt-O Reduce window to buttons only Shift-F10 Reduce window to buttons and Create New Order panel Shift-F11 Reduce window to buttons, down to Auto-execute order s Shift-F12 Activate wizard for current input field Ctrl-LeftArrow Activate dropdown for current input field DownArrow Advance to next field Tab Reverse to previous field Shift-Tab Exit VOConsole Alt-F4 CREATE NEW ORDER panel Trade Risk wizard Shift-Enter Trade Risk field Enter Toggle SL checkbox on off Ctrl-F2 Activate SL wizard Shift-F2 Jump to SL field F2 Toggle TP checkbox on off Ctrl - F3 Activate TP wizard Shift-F3 Jump to TP field F3 Toggle Entry checkbox on off Ctrl-F4 Activate Entry wizard Shift-F4 Jump to Entry field F4 MODIFY ORDERS panel Toggle SL checkbox on off Ctrl-F5 Activate SL wizard Shift-F5 Jump to SL field F5 Toggle TP checkbox on off Ctrl-F6 Activate TP wizard Shift-F6 Jump to TP field F6 Toggle Show RR totals on off Ctrl-F7 Toggle Adjust for spread on off Ctrl-F9 Toggle Show RR data above lines on off Ctrl - F10 Toggle Extend lines as rays on off Ctrl-F11 Toggle Auto execute order s on off Ctrl-F12 PRESETS panel Jump to Preset 1 Ctrl-1 Jump to Preset 2 Ctrl-2 Jump to Preset 3 Ctrl-3 Jump to Preset 4 Ctrl - 4 Jump to Preset 5 Ctrl-5 Jump to Preset 6 Ctrl-6 Jump to Preset 7 Ctrl-7 Jump to Preset 8 Ctrl-8 Jump to Preset 9 Ctrl-9 Jump to Preset 0 Ctrl-0 Load and activate Preset 1 Alt - 1.72 Load and activate Preset 2 Alt-2 Load and activate Preset 3 Alt-3 Load and activate Preset 4 Alt-4 Load and activate Preset 5 Alt-5 Load and activate Preset 6 Alt-6 Load and activate Preset 7 Alt-7 Load and activate Preset 8 Alt-8 Load and activate Preset 9 Alt-9 Load and activate Preset 0 Alt-0 Save currently highlighted Preset Alt-V Delete currently highlighted Preset Alt-D SETTINGS window Jump to Font name and size field F7 Activate Font name and size wizard Shift-F7 Activate MT4 Palette Alt-P Increase value in currently selected spinbox UpArrow Decrease value in currently selected spinbox DownArrow Restore Factory Settings button Alt-F ORDERS window Jump to Close Rules field F8 Activate Close Rules wizard Shift-F8 Select ALL orders Alt-A Deselect all orders NONE button Alt-N Go to top of orders list Ctrl-PageUp Go back to the previous page of 16 orders PageUp Go back one order Ctrl-UpArrow Go to end of orders list Ctrl-PageDown Go to the next page of 16 orders PageDown Go forward one order Ctrl-DownArrow Error messages Error 0000 No error returned MT4 description Trade operation succeeded Suggested action This error should never be posted Please report the error to the VO-Pro technical support personnel Error 0001 No error returned , but the result is unknown MT4 description OrderModify attempts to replace the values already set with the same values One or more values must be changed, then modification attempt can be repeated Suggested action This error should never be posted Please report the error to the VO - Pro technical support personnel Error 0002 Common error MT4 description Common error All attempts to trade must be stopped until reasons are clarified Restart of operation system and client terminal will possibly be needed Suggested action Try exiting and restarting MT4 If the error persists, contact your MT4 broker vendor.73 Error 0003 Invalid trade parameters MT4 description Invalid parameters were passed to the trading function, for example, wrong symbol, unknown trade operation, negative slippage, non-existing ticket number, etc The program logic must be changed Suggested action Try placing the order again If the error persists, please report it to the VO-Pro technical support personnel Error 0004 Trade server is busy MT4 description Trade server is busy The attempt can be repeated after a rather long period of time over several minutes Suggested action Try placing the order again after a short wait If the error occurs frequently, contact your MT4 broker vendor Error 0005 Old version of the client terminal MT4 description Old version of the client terminal The latest version of the client terminal must be installed Suggested action You need to upgrade to the latest version of MT4 Contact your MT4 broker vendor for more information Error 0006 No connection with trade server MT4 description No connection to the trade server It is necessary to make sure that connection has not been broken for example, using the IsConnected function and repeat the attempt after a certain period of time over 5 seconds Suggested action Your MT4 connection with your broker is currently down Try placing the order again after a short wait If the error occurs frequently, contact your MT4 broker vendor Error 0007 Not enough rights MT4 description none Suggested action This error should never be posted Contact your MT4 broker vendor Error 0008 Too frequent requests MT4 description Requests are too frequent The frequency of requesting must be reduced, the program logic must be changed Suggested action Reduce the value in VOE s Auto-execution attempts setting Wait longer before re-trying the placement of orders If the error occurs frequently, contact your MT4 broker vendor Error 0009 Malfunctional trade operation MT4 description none Suggested action This error should never be posted Contact your MT4 broker vendor Error 0064 Account disabled MT4 description The account was disabled All attempts to trade must be stopped Suggested action Your MT4 account has been disabled by your broker Either create a new account, or contact your MT4 broker vendor Error 0065 Invalid account MT4 description The account number is invalid All attempts to trade must be stopped Suggested action Your MT4 account number is no longer valid Either create a new account, or contact your MT4 broker vendor Error 0128 Trade timeout MT4 description Timeout for the trade has been reached Before retry at least, in 1-minute time , it is necessary to make sure that.74 trading operation has not really succeeded a new position has not been opened, or the existing order has not been modified or deleted, or the existing position has not been closed Suggested action Try placing the order again after a short wait If the error occurs frequently, contact your MT4 broker vendor Error 0129 Invalid price MT4 description Invalid bid or ask price, perhaps, unnormalized price After 5-second or more delay, it is necessary to refresh data using the RefreshRates function and make a retry If the error does not disappear, all attempts to trade must be stopped, the program logic must be changed Suggested action Check that your entry sl tp levels are correct the entry level must lie between the SL and TP , with a reasonable space between them, and clear of the market price After correcting this, try placing the order again If the error occurs frequently, please report it to the VO-Pro technical support personnel Error 0130 Invalid stops MT4 description Stops are too close, or prices are ill-calculated or unnormalized or in the open price of a pending order The attempt can be repeated only if the error occurred due to the price obsolescence After 5-second or more delay, it is necessary to refresh data using the RefreshRates function and make a retry If the error does not disappear, all attempts to trade must be stopped, the program logic must be changed Suggested action Check that your entry sl tp levels are correct the entry level must lie between the SL and TP , with a reasonable space between them, and clear of the market price After correcting this, try placing the order again If the error occurs frequently, please report it to the VO-Pro technical support personnel Error 0131 Invalid trade volume MT4 description Invalid trade volume, error in the volume granularity All attempts to trade must be stopped , and the program logic must be changed Suggested action This error should never be posted Please report the error to the VO-Pro technical support personnel Error 0132 Market is closed MT4 description Market is closed The attempt can be repeated after a rather long period of time over several minutes Suggested action You can t place orders until the market is open again Contact your MT4 broker vendor regarding market open times Error 0133 Trade is disabled MT4 description Trade is disabled All attempts to trade must be stopped Suggested action This error should never be posted If it occurs frequently, contact your MT4 broker vendor Error 0134 Not enough money MT4 description Not enough money to make an operation The trade with the same parameters must not be repeated After 5-second or more delay, the attempt can be repeated with a smaller volume, but it is necessary to make sure that there is enough money to complete the operation Suggested action You don t have enough free margin in your account to make the trade Decrease your Trade Risk, and re-try placing the order.75 Error 0135 Price changed MT4 description The price has changed The data can be refreshed without any delay using the RefreshRates function and make a retry Suggested action This means that the price has changed between the time you sent the order, and your broker s attempt to process it You could try increasing VOE s Auto-execution attempts , with a 2-3 second wait time between attempts If the error recurs persistently, contact your MT4 broker vendor Error 0136 Off quotes MT4 description No quotes The broker has not supplied with prices or refused, for any reason for example, no prices at the session start, unconfirmed prices, fast market After 5-second or more delay, it is necessary to refresh data using the RefreshRates function and make a retry Suggested action Try placing the order again after a short wait If the error occurs frequently, contact your MT4 broker vendor Error 0137 Broker is busy MT4 description none Suggested action This error should never be posted Contact your MT4 broker vendor for more information Error 0138 Requote MT4 description The requested price has become out of date or bid and ask prices have been mixed up The data can be refreshed without any delay using the RefreshRates function and make a retry If the error does not disappear, all attempts to trade must be stopped, the program logic must be changed Suggested action This means that the price is no longer available Try sending the order again You could also try increasing VOE s Auto-execution attempts , with a 2-3 second wait time between attempts If the error recurs persistently, contact your MT4 broker vendor Error 0139 Order is locked MT4 description The order has been locked and under processing All attempts to make trading operations must be stopped, and the program logic must be changed Suggested action Try sending the order again after a short wait If the error recurs persistently, contact your MT4 broker vendor Error 0140 Long positions only allowed MT4 description Only buying operation is allowed The SELL operation must not be repeated Suggested action Your broker does not allow selling this pair symbol Cancel the trade Error 0141 Too many requests MT4 description Too many requests The frequency of requesting must be reduced, the program logic must be changed Suggested action Reduce the value in VOE s Auto-execution attempts setting Wait longer before re-trying the placement of orders If the error occurs frequently, contact your MT4 broker vendor Error 0145 Modification denied because order too close to market MT4 description Modifying has been denied since the order is too close to market and locked for possible soon execution The data can be refreshed after more than 15 seconds using the RefreshRates function, and a retry can be made.76 Suggested action Either try changing your trade entry sl tp levels move them further away from the market price , or simply re-try placing the order after a short wait Or cancel the attempted order modification If the error occurs frequently, contact your MT4 broker vendor Error 0146 Trade context is busy MT4 description The trade thread is busy Retry only after the IsTradeContextBusy function has returned FALSE Suggested action Re-try placing the order after a short wait You could also try increasing VOE s Auto-execution attempts , with a 2-3 second wait time between attempts If the error recurs persistently, contact your MT4 broker vendor Error 0147 Expirations are denied by broker MT4 description The use of pending order expiration date has been denied by the broker The operation can only be repeated if the expiration parameter has been zeroized Suggested action Return to VOE and blank out the Expiry Date Time field Then cancel the order, and re-input it Ensure that the Expiry Date Time field is blank before performing future Ctrl-7 or Ctrl-8 operations Error 0148 The amount of open and pending orders has reached the limit set by the broker MT4 description The amount of open and pending orders has reached the limit set by the broker New open positions and pending orders can be placed only after the existing positions or orders have been closed or deleted Suggested action The current order may not be placed , due to restrictions imposed by your broker Cancel the order You could try re-sending the order after you have closed or deleted other positions If necessary, contact your MT4 broker vendor for clarification of the trading rules Error 0149 An attempt to open a position opposite to the existing one when hedging is disabled MT4 description An attempt to open a position opposite to the existing one when hedging is disabled First the existing opposite position should be closed, all attempts of such trade operations must be stopped, or the program logic must be changed Suggested action The current order may not be placed, due to restrictions imposed by your broker Cancel the order You could try re-sending the order after you have closed or deleted other positions If necessary, contact your MT4 broker vendor for clarification of the trading rules Error 0150 An attempt to close a position contravening the FIFO rule MT4 description An attempt to close a symbol position contravening the FIFO rule First earlier existing position s should be closed, all attempts of such trade operations must be stopped, or the program logic must be changed Suggested action The current order may not be closed, due to restrictions imposed by your broker Cancel the close operation, and try closing other orders first If necessary, contact your MT4 broker vendor for clarification of the trading rules.77 TRADE MINDER.78 Trade Minder s Rules List window To launch Trade Minder TM , click the TM button on VOConsole s main screen TM s Rules List window displays the rules that will be executed by the VO Monitor EA You can input up to 300 rules but this is restricted to 6 rules, in the 14-day trial version VO Monitor will check each rule, running through the list sequentially from top to bottom Each rule consists of a condition, and an action if the condition is met, the action is performed Then it moves on to the next rule in the list TM s Rules List window allows a number of functions you can add new rules, or modify or delete existing ones You can adjust the column widths or view more or less of the whole list, by dragging the bottom right corner of the window vertically horizontally Note You need a minimum resolution of 1024x768 to display the necessary screen width Use the arrow, Page, Home and End keys to scroll around in the list You can also use the mouse and the scroll bars Select a rule by moving the highlight bar to it, or left - clicking on it with the mouse The window allows several functions, explained below By hovering the mouse over the button, a help tooltip appears, giving you more information, including the hotkey s that may be used , instead of clicking on the button Change edit the definition of the currently highlighted rule Double clicking on a rule also performs the Change operation Insert insert a new rule immediately before the highlighted rule.79 Move Up move a rule, or a block of consecutive rules , up one slot in the list Move Down move a rule, or a block of consecutive rules, down one slot in the list Delete delete a single rule, or a block of consecutive rules Clone duplicate a single rule, or a block of consecutive rules , and place the copy immediately after the copied rule s Move move a single rule, or a block of consecutive rules, to a location immediately following a specified rule Copy copy a single rule, or a block of consecutive rules, to a location immediately following a specified rule Add add append a new rule to the end of the list Template add append new rule s to the end of the list, by using a predefined template Clear If rules exist that were auto - deleted by VO Monitor these are marked DELETED in the Rule Name column, and are the result of entries in the Rules to be Deleted column , then clicking Clear will delete these rules If when there are no auto-deleted rules in the list, clicking Clear will delete all of the remaining rules, ie completely clearing the list Save green tickmark saves all of the rules as they currently appear, and allows them to be processed by VO Monitor VO Monitor continues to process the rules list before any changes were made, until this button is clicked After the rules have been saved, TM exits back to VOConsole s main window The Save button also performs a basic syntax check of all of the rules, and reports any errors, by displaying error description of error inside the relevant cell s You must correct any errors and then click the save button again, to continue Cancel red X discards all changes made in the current TM session, and exits back to VOConsole s main window these operations can be performed on a single rule, or a block of consecutive rules To mark a block, first highlight the topmost rule in the block Then right-click or press F8 Then highlight the bottommost rule in the block Note how the block is highlighted in the left margin of the list Then click on the operation Clone, Delete, etc that you wish to perform for Move or Copy, first highlight the topmost rule in the block Then right-click or press F8 , to lock it in Then highlight the bottommost rule in the block, and right-click or press F8 , to likewise lock it in Again, the block will be highlighted in the left margin of the list Finally, highlight the rule after which you want the block to be moved copied, and then click the Move or Copy button Or, if you want to move copy before rule 1, right-click or press F8 one further time, before clicking the Move or Copy button If, at any point, you wish to start over, click the mouse wheel or press F9 Note how the graphics From XX thru XX after XX change at the top of the window When a rule is locked in, it appears in bold typeface while the currently highlighted rules appear underlined.80 Example copy rules 9 thru 11 after rule 3 i Highlight rule 9 From 9 thru 9 shows in the window ii Right-click to lock 9 as the start of the block From 9 thru 9 iii Highlight rule 11 From 9 thru 11 iv Right-click to lock 9 thru 11 as the block From 9 thru 11 v Highlight rule 3 as the destination point From 9 thru 11 after 3 The window should now look something like this rules 9 thru 11 are blue-margined, and the highlight bar is placed on rule 3 vi Click the Copy button to copy the rules The components of a Rule The VO Monitor EA processes your list of rules from top to bottom, every time a tick occurs if running in tick mode , or after your specified Refresh Interval has elapsed continuous mode Each rule consists of a condition and an action If the condition is met, the action if performed otherwise it is not Then VO monitor proceeds on to the next rule TM shows the condition part of the rule in blue typeface, and the action part of the rule in red typeface Conditions A condition involves a list of selected order s in stipulated states pending, open, closed or deleted , and optionally criteria that must be met Orders may be selected by any combo of order magic text in the Comment field orders pertaining to a currency eg EUR or pair eg EURUSD The criteria may include profit loss PL in either pips or dollars , price, lot size, and you can specify how many orders must meet the criteria, or the sum total PL in pips or dollars of all selected orders or whatever currency your account is denominated in The 4 order states Pending order type P these are buy limit, sell limit, buy stop and sell stop orders, whose entry price has not yet been triggered Pending orders appear below the gray Balance strip on the Trades tab of MT4 s terminal Open order type O these are buy or sell orders showing a profit or loss, that were either entered as market orders , or were previously pending orders but whose entry price has been triggered Open orders appear above the gray Balance strip on the Trades tab of MT4 s terminal.81 Closed order type C these are buy or sell orders that have been closed in profit or in loss In MT4, orders may be closed either manually, or automatically because their stoploss SL or take profit TP levels were reached Closed orders appear on the Account History tab of MT4 s terminal, showing a profit or a loss Deleted order type D these are pending orders that have either expired, or been deleted aka cancelled manually Deleted orders appear on the Account History tab of MT4 s terminal, with their PL cell blank, and the word cancelled in their Comment cell if you have Comments switched on Actions An action consists of a list of orders on which the action will be performed, and the type of action This list of orders may be the same as those specified in the condition, or you can enter a different list In v3 0, the available actions are Delete pending orders Close fully or partially open orders Move SL relative to either itself, the entry price or the market price , the distance may be specified in either pips or dollars Trail SL same as Move SL, except that the SL will only ever be advanced as opposed to retreated An action may be performed once only, or repeatedly To have it performed once only, you must specify that the rule delete itself This will occur immediately the action has been successfully performed on any one of the specified order s Rules can also be instructed to delete other rules Inputting rules The rule input process consists of four tabs, and a fifth tab for advanced use You can enter data into the tabs in any order, and skip any tabs that are not relevant to the rule you re creating Instead of using the mouse , you can press Ctrl-Tab to proceed to the next tab, and Ctrl-Shift-Tab to reverse to the previous tab, if you prefer In each tab, you select options from check boxes and radio buttons, and type values TM then automatically builds the syntax necessary for the command, and displays it in the field s with yellow background Alternatively, you can type the command directly into the yellow background field or proceed to the fifth tab and type the fields manually All text entries are automatically uppercase The Clear button inside each panel clears out the yellow background field, allowing you to start over.82 Tab 1 Rule Name You can enter up to 25 characters to name a rule This is necessary only if you want to allow other rules to delete this rule You can also check uncheck the box to disable enable the rule When a rule is disabled, two slashes appear in the 2 leftmost character positions of the rule name If the VO monitor EA deletes a rule according to criteria being met in your rules , then the rule name is replaced with DELETED You can then delete all of these deadwood rules by clicking the Clear button in TM s Rules List window as explained previously.83 Tab 2 Select Orders Here you start to build the condition part of the rule, by specifying which orders need to be checked and which state they must be in For example, if I enter 196, 22 , D1,GBP into the Order Selection, and PO into the Order States, this means that any pending or open orders whose order ends in 196 or have a magic of 22 or have the text D1 or d1 anywhere inside the Comment field or have GBP anywhere in its pair symbol eg GBPUSD or EURGBP all of these will be forwarded to the order selection pool To select deselect the order states, simply check uncheck the relevant boxes TM will build the yellow-background command field for you You must select at least one state, ie this field may not be left blank You can select the orders in many different ways i Click the Clear button to clear out the order selection, and start over ii You can type valid values directly into the yellow-background command field or you can use the options below to have TM build this field for you Multiple values must be separated by commas , Valid values include the last few digits of the order type enough digits to ensure that the order is unique For example, typing 319 would match both and whereas typing 5319 would ensure that only the first of these two orders is selected a magic inside square brackets, eg 212 a range of magic numbers, thus text that may be found anywhere within the comment field, enclosed in single quotes, thus ABC all alphabetic characters are converted to upercase a currency, eg GBP a pair symbol, eg EURJPY or XAGUSD.84 iii From the list box, which displays all current open and pending orders Use the arrow, Page, Home and End keys, or the mouse and scroll bars, to navigate the highlighted cell around inside the box Scroll right to see the additional fields at the right of the box To select an order, right click on it, or press F8 If you select a Magic , Comment or Pair cell, the magic , comment or currency pair symbol will be appended to the command field, respectively Right clicking in any other cell will append the order to the command field iv Using the button keypad to select currencies to build pair symbols or to insert a comma to separate multiple items v Clicking the Refresh button updates the information in the orders list You must make at least one entry, ie the field may not be left blank Please note that the order need not necessarily exist yet, or be in the specified state, at the time the rule is created For example, you could specify a state of O open for a currently pending order, and the rule will not be actioned until the order reaches the price that causes it to open Or you could specify a pair like GBPUSD, and even though no GBPUSD orders currently exist, the rule will take effect at some future point when some do exist Tab 3 Criteria this allows you to optionally narrow down the order selection even further The same criteria is applied individually to each selected order If all that is required is that the selected order s exist in the stipulated state, then the Criteria should be left blank Otherwise, you can select from the following options.85 Price must be above below at a specified value OR The order must be in profit loss by above below equal to a specified value pips or dollars OR The volume lot size of the order must be above below equal to a specified value Simply select your criteria from the radio buttons, and type in an amount in to the Amount field For example, if you want a trade to close when it is 30 pips in profit, you d select Profit pips at least and type in 30 Then when each one of the selected orders reaches a 30 pip profit, it will be immediately closed If you want to specify an OR condition, eg close the trade if it s either at least 50 pips in profit, or at least 20 pips in loss, then simply create two separate rules Number of Orders This is an overriding condition that MUST be met, for the action to be performed on ANY of the selected orders Leave the field blank if an overriding condition doesn t apply Your choices are The number of selected orders that must meet their individual criteria OR EVERY one of the selected orders must meet its individual criteria OR The SUM of the profit loss in pips , or the total order size in lots, must be above below at a specified value For example, let s suppose the Criteria is set to must be at least 30 pips in profit, and the Number of Orders is set to Number of orders must be at least 2 Then no action will be taken until at least 2 orders are both 30 pips in profit, at which point the stipulated action will be taken on both of these orders Another example let s suppose the Criteria is set to must be at least 20 pips in profit, and the Number of Orders is set to SUM of profit must be at least 80 Then no action will be taken unless the total profit across all selected orders is at least 80, at which point any orders that are at least 20 pips in profit will have the action performed on them.86 Tab 4 Orders here you enter the orders that you wish to have the action performed on You must choose one of the three available options All of the SELECTED orders Only the selected orders that MEET the Criteria A completely different set of order s than those in the selected pool if you choose this option, the list box and button keypad work exactly the same as for choosing the Selected Orders, on Tab 2 The SELECTED and MEET options are effectively the same, if no Criteria has been input The action will simply be performed on all existing orders in the selected pool that re in the specified state By choosing a different set of order s , you can create rules along the lines of when order 123 attains a 20 pip profit, then move the stoploss on order 456 to 1 pip past the breakeven entry point Action this is where you specify the action that will be performed on the above orders, if the condition is met You can choose from DELETE pending order If any Criteria is met, then any pending orders listed above will be deleted this action will have no effect on any open, closed, or deleted orders CLOSE open order If any Criteria is met, then any open orders listed above will be closed this action will have no effect on any pending, already closed, or deleted orders You can further specify whether you want the order closed fully, or partially, in the subsequent options MOVE SL on an open order This allows a stoploss to be advanced or retreated, relative to the current market price, the entry breakeven price, or the current price of the SL itself.87 This action will have no effect on any pending, already closed, or deleted orders TRAIL SL on an open order Works the same as MOVE SL, except that the SL can be advanced only it can never be retreated A note about partially closing an order This can be achieved by either typing in the number of lots, or the fraction of the remaining order that is to be closed eg 1 2, 2 3, etc Also, the order to be closed must be selected by magic The reason is that MT4 closes the original order, and then opens a new order for the remaining lot size , with a different order hence both the original order , and the original lot size, are effectively lost and can not be used However, the magic is retained it is copied across to the newly created order Also, you ll likely want the rule to partially close an order to occur only once otherwise, the action will get performed repeatedly if the condition continues to hold true on subsequent price ticks This is achieved by having the rule delete itself immediately the action has been performed successfully see the next section Conversely, some rules need to be actioned repeatedly for example, the continued trailing of a stoploss as an order moves progressively into profit In this case, you would not have the rule delete itself it will consequently be rechecked repeatedly, on each new price tick or on each cycle, if VO monitor is operating in continuous mode Finally, there are situations where it doesn t matter whether you have the rule delete itself, or not Fully closing an open order is an example Once the order has been closed, it is no longer in an open state, hence the rule will no longer apply In VO-Pro v3 1 I will be adding to the list of available actions Delete Rule the reasons for deleting rule s have been explained in the previous section A rule will delete itself if you type an asterisk into the Rules to be Deleted field, immediately an action is completed successfully for ANY ONE of the specified orders Also, the rule can be made to delete other named rules naming a rule is explained earlier, by providing a name on Tab 1 , by typing additional text into the Rules to be Deleted field for example, if you type ABC into the Rules to be Deleted field, then any rule containing the text ABC anywhere in its name, will be deleted Note VO Monitor does not physically delete the rules Instead, it places the text DELETED into the rule s Rule Name field Any rule containing in the 2 leftmost characters of the Rule Name is considered to be disabled, and will be skipped over by subsequent passes of VO Monitor The reason that rules are not physically deleted is to provide you with confirmation that the rule has been executed successfully You can then use either the Delete or Clear buttons to clear out the deadwood, when you next run Trade Minder As always, you can either complete the yellow-background field by inputting the Rule Names manually or you can select them from the dropdown menu, and then click the Add button to add them to the list Multiple entries are separated with commas.88 Tab 5 Advanced options If you know the required syntax for creating a rule, you can complete all necessary fields by typing their content here directly and manually Tab 5 is also the only way in which to input External Criteria, which will become significant in VO-Pro v3 1 VO-Pro v3 1 will allow multiple actions for a single condition and compound conditions AND OR etc for a single action The list of available actions will be further extended SAVE Clicking the SAVE button saves any changes that you made to the current rule, and then exits to the Rules List window However, you need to subsequently click the button on the Rules List window to have all of your changes posted to VO Monitor You can simply press ENTER instead of clicking the button, if you prefer CANCEL Clicking the CANCEL X button discards any changes that you ve made to the current rule, and then exits to the Rules List window You can simply press the ESC key instead of clicking the X button, if you prefer.89 TEMPLATES Templates provide a faster and more accurate way of creating rules A single template can generate up to 50 rules To access the available templates , click the Template button in TM s Rules List window VO-Pro comes with several factory supplied templates Experienced users can also create their own templates, for their own use, and or to share with the community of VO-Pro traders Note Templates exist as text files in the mt4 experts files folder, the file name being template name There is no limit to the number of templates that you can have, provided that each template has a unique name The template name can be up to 45 characters file contains the template description, a definition of each of the parameters a maximum of 12 parameters may be used , and the rules that will be generated Templates can be built or modified using TM s template editor facility See the later section on building and modifying templates, for more information When you click the Template button in TM s Rules List window, a dropdown list of all available templates is displayed You then select the template that you wish to use, type values into the parameters that appear, and click the APPLY button or press the ENTER key The rule s are automatically generated, and appended to the end of the Rules List, for immediate use If you change your mind, click the CANCEL X button or press the ESC key , and you ll be returned to the Rules List window, without the template being applied You can also delete unwanted templates by clicking the DELETE button or pressing the Delete key CAUTION A pop-up window will ask you to confirm the deletion.90 When typing in the parameters, instructions are provided to the left of each parameter If an instruction consists of more than 3 lines of text, the vertical scroll bars light up blue, and you can scroll up down to see the remainder of the text The same applies to the template description at the top left of the window Templates are generally the quickest and easiest way to enter your TM rules However, you can enter them manually, as explained in the previous section or even perform a combination of both For example, you could use a template to create the basic rule, and then edit the rule manually, to allow the use the Selected Orders window to select orders from the list Build or modify a template experienced users You can use TM s template editor function to build and maintain your own templates All changes are immediately available to TM, as soon as the file is saved To build a new template from a blank canvas 1 Click TM s TEMPLATE button and select ---add new template from the displayed list of templates 2 Enter your template parameters and rules as explained in the next section 3 Type a name max 45 characters for the template, and click the button To cancel the process, click the X button 4 Your new template is saved, and immediately ready to be applied click the button to apply it, or the X button to return to TM s rules list screen.91 To build a new template, using an existing template as a model 1 Click TM s TEMPLATE button and select the template that you wish to use as your model 2 Modify template parameters and rules as explained in the next section 3 Type a different name max 45 characters for the new template, and click the button To cancel the process, click the X button CAUTION if you save your changes under the original model template s name, the original template is overwritten 4 Your new template is saved, and immediately ready to be applied click the button to apply it, or the X button to return to TM s rules list screen To modify an existing template 1 Click TM s TEMPLATE button and select the template that you wish to modify edit 2 Modify template parameters and rules as explained in the next section 3 Click the button To cancel the process, click the X button 4 Your changes are saved, and immediately ready to be applied click the button to apply the modified template, or the X button to return to TM s rules list screen To delete an existing template CAUTION , either use Windows file manager to delete file or load the template and click the DELETE button A pop-up will ask you to confirm the deletion To rename an existing template, either use Windows file manager to rename file or edit the existing template, without making any changes, saving the template under its new name then delete the identical template of the old name Building or modifying the template content The template content consists of two parts, input via two different windows up to 12 parameters, ie settings input by the user that fill in the blanks in the rules up to 50 rules that will be generated, ie added to TM s Rules List, whenever the template is subsequently applied.92 Having selected your template, click the Build Edit button The readonly fields turn white, allowing you to enter the template description top left , parameter prompts and default values If you need to start a new line in the description or prompt fields, press Ctrl-Enter or Shift-Enter pressing Enter by itself is the hotkey for the button, and will save your changes to the template Then click on the Edit Template Rules button, to create modify your rules ie the rules that will generated whenever the template is subsequently applied Any existing rules will be displayed.93 The navigational keys, scroll bars, and also the Change, Insert, MoveUp up arrow , Move Down down arrow , Clone, Delete, Move, Copy, Add and Clear buttons all work exactly the same as on the Rules List window see previous section , including their hotkeys, and the facility to select blocks of rules by right clicking or using the F8 key The Import button copies all of the rules currently on the Rules List, and appends them to the end of the displayed template rules This allows you to build templates from previously created rules The Back to Parameters button returns you to the Parameters Entry, where you can make any further changes to the parameters, or click either the button to save your changes to the template, or the X button to discard your changes, and return to the Apply a Template window Add new rules to the template by clicking the Add or Insert buttons Change existing rules by double clicking on the displayed rule, or clicking on the Change button The Define Template Rule screen appears.94 On the Define Template Rule screen , you can either type text directly into the displayed fields, and or use the buttons that pop up when a field is selected, to have chunks of text immediately appended to the end of the currently selected field The buttons are field specific, save you typing and help to ensure that correct syntax is entered The Clear Field button clears the currently selected field The button pad with , , etc allows you to specify that the content of a parameter entered when the template is being applied will be directly substituted for the token For example, if you want parameter 1 to be placed in the Selected Orders field, click on that field, and then on the button to place the token in the field The button will generate a unique randomly generated 4- digit number, and substitute this number for the token, each time the template is applied In the lower panel, you can specify whether or not a rule will be generated, based on the values typed into the parameters You have four options Leave the relevant field blank this means that the rule will be generated, regardless of the entry made in the corresponding parameter P1 thru P12 Type an exclamation point into the field this means that the rule will be generated only if the corresponding parameter entry is blank field is left empty Type a question point into the field this means that the rule will be generated only if the corresponding parameter entry is non-blank field contains at least one character.95 Type one or more characters into the field this means that rule will be generated only if the corresponding parameter entry contains one or more of the characters typed Example suppose you type in P1 in P2 and ABC in P3, then the rule will be generated only if P1 contains at least one character AND P2 is empty AND P3 contains A, B or C, or text that can be found in ABC Please feel welcome to model your own templates on the factory supplied ones The instructional videos will further help to guide you through the process of building your own templates If you have a complex MM strategy that you d like me to create a template for, then please contact me For more information, see the final section in this document Detailed walkthrough of rule processing I ll now attempt to provide, in step-by-step detail, a complete walkthrough of how the VO Monitor EA VOM processes your TM-entered rules You can create up to 300 rules in the 14-day trial version, this is restricted to a maximum of 6 rules Each time a price tick occurs on the chart to which VOM is attached or once every X seconds, if VOM is running in continuous mode , VOM processes every rule, from the top of the list to the bottom of the list Let s call each time it runs through the list of rules a cycle Here s what takes place during the processing of a rule, within a cycle 1 If the rule is stamped DELETED in the Rule Name field, then it is skipped over altogether VOM moves onto the next rule 2 VOM then seeks to build a pool of selected orders, by looking only at orders in the state s Pending, Open, Closed , or Deleted specified in the Order States field Any order currently in one of the specified states, that also meets any one of the specifications in the Selected Orders column these specifications may include references to ALL orders a currency a pair a magic a range of magic s case-insensitive text embedded anywhere in a comment or order number s , gets moved to the SELECTED orders pool 3 VOM then looks at the Criteria field Any SELECTED orders that MEET the specified Criteria are further stamped with a MEET flag If the Criteria field is blank, then this is the same as criteria of 0 , ie if the order has a lot size 0 in other words, if the order exists at all 4 The Number of SELECTED orders that meet the Criteria ie MEETstamped orders are counted, and the count is compared to the Number of Orders specification If this specification is not met, then no further processing takes place for this rule VOM moves immediately onto the next rule return to step 1.96 If the Number of Orders field is left blank, then this is the same as an entry of 0, ie at least one selected order must meet the Criteria If the Number of Orders field is set to EVERY, then every selected order must meet the Criteria If the Number of Orders field is set to SUM, then the sum of the specified quantity pips PL, dollars PL, or lots of all of the orders that meet the Criteria must also meet the specification in the Number of Orders field 5 The External Criteria is evaluated If this is not met, then no further processing takes place for this rule VOM moves immediately onto the next rule NOTE External Criteria doesn t apply until VO - Pro v3 10 is released 6 Assuming that the aforementioned conditions are met, VOM now checks the Orders to be Actioned field If this is set to SELECTED, then VOM will attempt to perform the specified action on every order in the SELECTED orders pool If this is set to MEET, then VOM will attempt to perform the action on only the SELECTED orders that were stamped with a MEET flag If this is set to other listed orders , then VOM will attempt to perform the action on the orders that meet the specification Exactly as in point 2, these specifications may include references to ALL orders a currency a pair a magic a range of magic s case-insensitive text embedded anywhere in a comment or order number s 7 VOM attempts to perform the specified action on each such order separately and individually Action DELETE is applied only to Pending orders Actions CLOSE, MOVE SL and TRAIL SL are applied only to Open orders No actions may be performed on either Closed or Deleted ie cancelled or expired orders 8 If the action is applied successfully ie the broker does not return an error when asked to apply the action to one or more orders while processing this particular rule during the current cycle then VOM looks at the Rules to be Deleted field otherwise this field is ignored for this rule cycle If the field contains an asterisk , then the current rule is logically deleted it has DELETED stamped in its Rule Name field If the field contains one or more text items separated by commas , then VOM looks through the entire rule list, and any Rule Name that has any one of these items embedded somewhere in its name, is likewise logically deleted 9 That completes the processing for the current rule VOM then moves on to the next rule in the list return to step 1.97 If your rules are not being processed If it seems that your rules are not being actioned by MT4, then please check the following 3 points 1 Ensure that MT4 is running and that Expert Advisors and Allow live trading have both been enabled press Ctrl-O in MT4 to get this Options window 2 Ensure that the VO Monitor EA is attached to ONE chart only it can be any chart , that the smiley face icon is showing alongside the EA name, and that the orange counter is ticking over If the orange counter has stopped ticking over, click on the the VOM object to select it a handle appears and drag it to a different location on the screen Then press F7 and set the RefreshIntervalseconds setting to your desired value see the earlier section How the new VO Monitor EA operates Click OK and the counter should start ticking again.98 3 Remember that you MUST exit the TM module, by clicking the button on the Rules List window, for your rule changes to saved, and posted to the VO Monitor EA in MT4 In other words, if Trade Minder is still open, your rule changes have not been posted.99 VO-Pro TM Helpdesk and support queries If your questions are not answered by this document or the instructional videos, please feel welcome to contact me David Louisson at Queries will be answered on a first in, first out, basis I will do my best to answer promptly, but it depends on the backlog or queries, and the time that I have available Please ensure that your subject contains something like VO - Pro query so that I don t treat it as spam, and ensure that you include the following information A full description of the problem Exactly what steps caused it to occur Accompanying screenshots including error message windows The Windows version that you re running XP, Vista or Windows 7 An explanation of when the problem started to occur, and any changes that you made to your computer around that time eg installed a new firewall or virus checker, upgraded your MT4 version, etc Your MT4 broker s name and MT4 build number obtained via MT4 menu option Help About Unfortunately, if you don t provide me with adequate information, then I can t attempt to reproduce your problem on my computer, and troubleshoot for you END OF DOCUMENT. Stock Market In Ukraine An Overview. A renewed security threat is also clouding the outlook An economic crisis, a crash in oil prices and hefty sanctions for intervention in Ukraine even with such a dire backdrop Russia s stock market has proven to be the world s best performer in early 2015 Stock Market In Ukraine An Overview Relative Strength Index Thinkorswim Forex Introduction This paper analyses the behaviour of stock prices in Ukraine by modelling the PFTS stock market index Specifically, it examines its degree of The country s benchmark stock index has surged almost 27 percent in the year-to-date as investors dip their toes back into a market that suffered sharp losses at the end of last year When you talk about retaliation from Moscow one possibility is preventing people from flying over Siberia and capital controls Recent data suggest that the economy entered the third quarter on a weak footing after increasing 1 3 year-on - year in Q2, the fastest pace of growth since Q4 2013 and a significant improvement on Q1 s anemic 0 1 This month s projection is unchanged over the previous month as significant challenges remain, including payment of the remaining IMF funds, political instability and the implementation of the Fund s program The country remains reliant on external support and the IMF continues to delay the next tranche of funding under its Extended Fund Facility EFF Key words investors, problems of share market, securities, stock exchange, share market, stock market JEL codes G14, G24 1 Introduction A stock market is a Stock Market In Ukraine An Overview Ig Group Binary Options Jargon Summary The NSSMC faces significant challenges in its role as the regulator of the Ukrainian securities market Market activity has been An economic crisis, a crash in oil prices and hefty sanctions for intervention in Ukraine even with such a dire backdrop Russia s stock market Russia is the best performing market this year in dollar terms in the world Introduction This paper analyses the behaviour of stock prices in Ukraine by modelling the PFTS stock market index Specifically, it examines its degree of For 2017, the panel sees GDP growth accelerating to 2 4.Briefly Explain How The Stock Market Works. The gains outpace a rise of about 2 8 percent in the SP 500, the broadest measure of U shares , and a 13 percent rally in the pan-European Euro Stoxx 600 Index Some Russian-European ties are growing closer However, he warned that a big risk remained the escalation of tensions between Russia and neighbouring Ukraine, which has strained the country s relations with the U So you could put your money into Russian assets and it might be very hard to take your money out, Stubbs added Stock Market In Ukraine An Overview So we are up too, in dollar terms Mobius Expect investment in Russia Mark Mobius, executive chairman at Templeton Emerging Markets Group, says that once the sanctions have been lifted, high volumes of investment will flow into Russian Options Robots Summary The NSSMC faces significant challenges in its role as the regulator of the Ukrainian securities market Market activity has been WIG-Ukraine is the second national index calculated by WSE Its portolio includes companies listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange, where a company or head To Subscribe Forex Market Signals Introduction This paper analyses the behaviour of stock prices in Ukraine by modelling the PFTS stock market index Specifically, it examines its degree of The oil price has stabilised, the ruble is very cheap, so the prospects are quite good for stocks , he told CNBC on Friday. In July, industrial production contracted for a second consecutive month On 22 August, Finance Minister Oleksandr Danyliuk warned that the budget for 2017 might need to be cut if Ukraine does not receive the payment by the end of 2016 Stock Market In Ukraine An Overview Itrading Systems Of Equations September 6, 2016The Focus Economics panel sees the economy growing 1 2 this year, supported by a strong rebound in private consumption and fixed investment Stock Market In Ukraine An Overview At some levels, Russia is extremely cheap so if you are ever going to invest in Russia, maybe now is the time, David Stubbs, a global market strategist at J Russia , one of the world s biggest oil producers, has also been hard hit by the collapse in oil prices which have more than halved in value since last June The stock market of Ukraine may cause the significant barrier for investors The rest of the paper is designed in such way in the next section there is overview of Oil back below 50 as OPEC hopes fade Alexander Branis, director of Prosperity Capital Management, was bullish on the outlook for Russian equities, however. Guatemala Office Instaforex. September 6, 2016 The economic recovery remains fragile despite the improvement seen in GDP in Q2 Stock Market In Ukraine An Overview All about sanctions For other analysts, the lifting of sanctions against Russia would be a significant trigger for further stock market When To Buy When To Sell Video The impact has been exacerbated by a weak Russian ruble Stock Market Course Hyderabad But this could be some way off -- according to Reuters, the U and Europe are considering harsher sanctions on the country for breaches of a February 12 ceasefire in Ukraine.

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